The Pattern Revealed

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Who can help but see threads that make up the great tapestry of life,

The individual threads that make up all we know,

The strands of colour and light that weave the pattern of eternity,

Shaped by the hands of the master spinner into visions that defy mortal sight.

To see patterns is to know a truth beyond all,

That all things are bound each unto another,

Connecting a swift flying bee to a bright flaring star,

The fate of one affecting the existence of the whole.

All around us patterns flow, if we will but see,

Simple or complex, their beauty is a balm to the soul,

A reminder that none are ever truly alone,

That each has a place within the ever growing portrait of eternal light.

How can we shut our eyes to such wonder,

Ignore that which is so simple to see,

Accepting the truth brings peace beyond reckoning,

Each stitch important in ways that lift the soul in joyous wonder.

Every thread strengthens and enhances the whole,

Making greater the work that will never be finished,

Individual strands never lost in the encompassing picture,

But forever an integral part of something greater than themselves.

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