I have Seen, I Have Felt, I Have Known...

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I have seen, in my heart and soul, a fire that burns with the brightest flame.

I have felt, in my deepest core, a love that needs no name.

I have known, beyond all doubt, beyond all words of reason,

That we are watched by those whose realm is far removed from war, and hatred, and treason.

I have seen, with the clarity of inner sight, that none are so different from each other.

I have felt, with power to glorious to name, that all are kin to me; all life my sister and brother.

I have known, with wisdom that leaves me shaking, that angels walk upon this land,

Dressed in the guise of mortal folk, they seek our advancement into the light; whence they will guide us by the hand.

I have seen, with vision pure and strong, the radiant glow of heavens grace.

I have felt, with gentle harmony, the touch of an eternal wipe the tears of sorrow from my face.

I have known, in ways that lift my soul, that all are born to greater things,

Each gifted the power to change the world, and learn to hear the song the heavens sings.

I have seen the wonder, the glory, that is our destiny.

I  have felt the pure embrace of heaven; so wonderous that it brought me to my knees.

I have known the wonder, and awe, of touching what lies beyond the transparent draperies that separate paradise from the world of man.

I have seen, I have felt, and I have known the pure majesty of the human spirit;

The magic grace and burning light of an angels tender presence.

Beyond what we know is a world waiting to receive us; beings who want to embrace us; a power that will always love us.

And I long to see, to feel, to know it once again.

Though this time I will bring with me the entire brotherhood of mankind, that we may all share in the wonder. 


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