Eternity's Child

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Mourning black cloaks the weary soul,

Treading with the soft footfall of death,

Lost in a maze of unforgiving memories,

Twisted by life's disappointments into monsters of thought.

Forever is too long for the soul that cannot endure,

Lives follow each other in endless cycles,

Waiting for the moment of true illumination,

When understanding comes, and awareness blazes like the sun.

Until that time tomorrow is as yesterday,

A torment beyond reason or hope,

Events flowing like a river uphill,

Struggling for a sense of loving the whole.

Eyes must open on windowless reaches,

On wastelands of history long dead,

Knowing that a single spark illuminated them all,

Making present our future's past.

Tomorrow and Today, Yesterday and Forever,

Words without meaning to a liberated soul,

Fleeing from the now to a memory of centuries gone,

One life connecting to points on the wheel of destiny. 

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