Touching The Face Of God

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Give greetings to the hosts of heaven,

Whenever they should grace you with their presence,

Rejoice in the blessing they bring,

And release the soul to sour in their company.

Come they but singly, or in massed array of shining splendour,

Colours too true and pure to see; too varied in hue and texture, and shape, to fully comprehend,

Know always that you are marked as special by their interest,

Granted a rare glimpse of the majesty of heaven in all it's wonder.

And if, by chance, you should see something more,

Should glance upon the source of light; the home of love,

If mortal senses can, for an instant in time, be aware of the One who is above all others,

Then what words can describe the rapture, the awe, the myriad of emotions that will assail thee.

No thanks then are needed for such a gift,

For what words could ever do justice to the experience of touching Eternity,

And what point, to speak to one who knows your very heart and soul,

Hold to that moment for as long as you may, for human senses can not long endure such beauty,

The mind of mortals is not equipped to retain such overwhelming knowledge and sensation.

But though details fade, the moment is with you always,

Through all your varied lives and destinies,

You will carry a sliver of that One in your eternal soul,

And know that nothing will ever be the same again.

You have been blessed by one whose power outstrips all,

By the One who is called by many names,

But who, in truth, needs no name,

For no mere words can ever do honour to the Love, and the Light, that shines on, and within, us all.  


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