Jack's Tale

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Fresh blood flowing like a scarlet spring,

Waterfall of the purest heart,

Dark life ebbing on a silken tide.

Swift blade glistens silver in the moonlight,

Sharp beauty dulls the pain of life.

Awareness comes with morning's chill,

Another night soaked in blood and death.

Warning the soul of evil's soft touch,

Enticing with warm feelings of kinship,

Twisting the heart of the innocent wretch.

The grandeur of death entrances the fool,

Awakening the darkness at hearts core,

Intriguing the mind with possibilities beyond reason.

Light and dark becoming one in the mind's eye,

Knowledge of the truth lost in the twists of infinity.

Tomorrow is gone, lost in yesterday's reflection,

Spellbound eyes misted against the now,

Turning the soul towards histories misgivings.

Ensorcelled hearts forever unbroken by love's cruelty,

Touched only by the seductive beauty of hate.

Pity the fool that trusts the ebon chill of night,

That allows hope to drown in the midnight sea.

Give thanks that evil knocks on another's door,

And answer not that sweet siren call.

Rather die than give life to scarlet waves of dread.

Do not follow the springing footsteps of the demon,

Nor be guided by the moonlight flash of steel.

Harden your heart to flower's of summers bloom,

Feel the beauty of ice, the fire of blood,

Entrust your senses to the world of never been.

Listen with your eyes, hear with your heart,

Let your ears show you things never touched.

Speak not of life and death, but of forever and now.

Follow a single drop of blood as it falls upon the ground,

Watch as death embraces the warm heart in your hand.

For all things are equal to the madman's blade,

And darkness hides horrors unspoken.

Light too, is a friend to the dream of terror,

Rending hearts as one shreds a sheaf of paper;

And the life story written, is no more. 



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