Medical Tape

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Approaching the Yokohama building Izuku could tell it didn't seem like an apartment complex. The building reminded him of karaoke bars he had seen on days out. He continued inside only to be met with a- bar? "You never mentioned your 'place' is a bar" Izuku spoke, observing the man with a purple mist quirk behind the empty bar. "Ah fuck I forgot to mention that- uh- well this is Kurogiri." Shigaraki says gesturing to the bartender. Kurogiri and Izuku looked each other up and down before Izuku says "nice to meet you I'm Izuku." Kurogiri looked at his boss and back at the boy, he let out a sigh. "Nice to meet you."

Shigaraki returned with a huge first-aid kit. "You get hurt a lot?" Izuku asks observing the size of the box. "You could say that... how bout you kid? Your arms at least have seen better days." Shigaraki says, referencing the scars and burns on Izukus arms. Izuku looks down at his arms and lets out a pained laugh, "I guess we both have our issues." Shigaraki nods understanding not to press the boy for how he got those scars, He pulls out some burn cream and gauze from the first aid kit. Izuku takes the  medical supplies from Shigaraki and begins to bandage himself. "thanks shigaraki"


After a while of sitting at the bar bandaging themselves Shigaraki accidentally disintegrates some gauze causing Shigaraki to curse and Izukus eyes to shoot up and focus on Shigaraki. Izuku looks- impressed. Shigaraki was expecting fear but then again he did watch the boy not even flinch or cry while receiving 2nd degree burns so he wasn't sure what to expect. Izuku notices the confusion and obvious discomfort in Shigarakis eyes and quickly breaks eye contact. " does it work?" Izuku murmurs. Shigaraki blinks confused. "your quirk." he specifies. "oh. well—" Shigaraki  begins to explain, surprised by Izukus calmness.


Izukus eyes never flickered in awe while Shigaraki explained, leaving the villain with a weird fuzzy feeling. Shigaraki wrapped up his explanation. Izuku looked like he was trying to make sure he had memorized everything Shigaraki had said. "That's so cool! So anything you touch with five fingers disintegrates that could be so good for rescue hero work and clearing fallen buildings and.."Breaking out of his daze of awe he got and idea. Izuku pulled some medical tape out of the first aid kit and gestured Shigaraki to put out his hands. A moment of panic rushed through Shigaraki he didn't want to accidentally disintegrate the boy, he slowly and hesitantly reached his hands out. Izuku grabbed one carefully making sure not to touch all five of the mans pale fingers, he carefully began wrapping the tape around Shigarakis ring and index finger. Seemingly satisfied with his work he set the tape down and beamed at the pale man. "there now you won't accidentally disintegrate anything". Shigaraki looked at the boy and back at his hands. "thanks."

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