Chapter 35: I believe you

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    Weiqi's fireworks went out after a short time because Lu Qianhe came again.

    Wei Qi's face suddenly stretched out-there's still more to it?

    Wei Qi turned his head to see Major General Thain. Although he has been informed of his recovery, both Major General Thain and Wei Qi themselves think he is still a "baby".

    Wei Qi showed a "baby unhappy" expression to Major General Thain. Major General Thain looked happily, bowed his head and kissed Wei Qi on the cheek, and said, "I don't like Lu Qianhe, just go upstairs. I don't want him to see you."

    Wei Qi said, "...Yang Yang, Why did the major general sound so scumbag? Lu Qianhe walked into the house and evaded the main room?"

    Shang Yang didn't want to deal with the dog.

    However, although Wei Qi was unhappy, he was not confused. He obediently carried Shang Yang upstairs, but before leaving, he turned on the video on Major General Thain's terminal and "quietly" placed it behind the vase in the living room as a live broadcast machine.

    This wasn't Wei Qi's "careful eyes", but the things that Wei Qi saw in Major General Thain's cloud of consciousness before that made him a little concerned. But he was not sure, so he didn't say clearly, and planned to look at it again.

    Major General Thain also spoiled him, and he didn't ask anything, let him do it. After Major General Thain watched Wei Qi go upstairs, he asked Butler Charlie to bring Lu Qianhe.

    Wei Qi was already squatting on the carpet at the corner of the second floor, with a headset on his ears, staring at the picture on the light screen.

    Lu Qianhe walked in from the front door after a while. He seems to be in good spirits, and it seems that Major General Thain's kick yesterday did not abolish him.

    Hey, what a pity.

    Lu Qianhe walked in and bowed to Major General Thain first. Major General Thain still had a cold face, his expression seemed to be trying to stimulate the irritability in his heart.

    Lu Qianhe: "Major General, good afternoon. Are you feeling better today?"

    Major General Thain frowned and did not speak.

    Lu Qianhe seemed to be used to it. He walked to the side of the coffee table, put the iron box in his hand, opened it, took out some things from it, and started to mix. After a while, some red liquid was produced.

    The red liquid was placed in a small cup, and Lu Qianhe handed it to Major General Thain.

    Major General Thain took it, and drank without a second word. Then after about a quarter of an hour, Major General Thain's body began to relax, and the whole person appeared in a semi-comatose state.

    It was a mental anesthetic for high-ranking sentries. Major General Thain's level was too high. Even if Lu Qianhe had experience in curing him, he would not dare to touch Major General Thain's cloud of consciousness.

Wei Qi looked at the light screen, Major General Thain leaned on the sofa unsuspectingly. He was like a lazy male lion in the afternoon, and Lu Qianhe was a female leopard squirming in front of him.

    Shang Yang: "..." The heart and mind of the man in love.

    After a few more minutes, Lu Qianhe seemed to confirm that Major General Thain was "safe", so he raised his hand towards Major General Thain, and at the same time two spiritual tentacles, thin as silver threads, stretched out from the back of his neck. Out, and stretched out to Major General Thain in the direction his arm was pointing.

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