두 (2)

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Walking home from school under the shade of autumn tress,Jay laughs at
Y/n who looks helplessly lost because of Jay's action.

Only if she knows that Jay wrote
'나는 Jay에게 미쳤어' // I am crazy over Jay
On her face with a marker while she's asleep. People who walk pass them look at her weirdly. Which makes her uncomfortable but it's been a long time since she saw Jay laughing this hard,she loves to see him smile.

"Laugh one more time and I'll-"

Her words were cut off when Heesung walk pass them,her eyes follow his steps. Her ears slowly turn red and Jay saw it. His lips turn into a thin line.

"Yah Park Y/n"

Jay called out making the girl look at him.

"Let's go"

He said and walk pass her,the sudden change of his behaviour makes Y/n frowned.

"Do you think Lee Heesung is attractive?"

Stopping in front of Y/n's house, Jay asked, breaking the silence.

"N-no,ahaha no way I am not just, familiar with that new guy"

Y/n said as she touch her right ear which is now all red.


Jay smile at her and wave his hand before walking to his straight to his home.

"You did great today my guy! See you tomorrow!"

Y/n shouted,the male turn around and show her his beautiful smile. Y/n wave her hands one last time and walk to her door. But the door is unlocked. The only one who have her spare key is her mom.

She step inside the house and close the door. Looking around at the kitchen and sitting room she searched for her mom.

"Oh you're home?"

She close her eyes, hearing her mom voice after god knows how many years makes her wanted to tear up. Slowly turning around she saw her mom standing there, but she don't even smile at her.

"Soyee will be staying here with you, we already shift your stuffs to the smaller room"


Her voice is soft and weak,Soyee is her mom's first daughter with her first husband and Y/n is the second daughter,she had her after marrying her dad. But she never treat Y/n like her daughter,and same goes to her dad.

She is always the second choice   and Soyee will always be their first priority.

"Her stuffs doesn't fit inside the small room,and I already put my belongings inside the guest room,me and Soyee will stay here for some time and yes,she will be attending your class from tomorrow"

Y/n slowly nod,her life is slowly  starting to get normal,after she beg her dad for months,she finally move in to Seoul from Daegu with Jay,but Jay stayed at his grandparents apartment while Y/n's dad bought Y/n a nice house. As much as she missed her mom,she is not there to compare her with Soyee everyday. She is not there to shout at her anymore. And she also missed her dad,but he is not there to complain about her grades anymore even though she tried her best.

Everything is new in Seoul,she met Beomgyu and Heuningkai and many more mutual friends,she never get compared nor get scolded. But seems like everything will go back to where it was before.

Second Choice// Lee Heesung//Where stories live. Discover now