여덟 (8)

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"Why do you keep smiling like that? Did something happen?"

Jay asked as he open the coke can, making a satisfying sound. Y/n just shake her head and play with her fingers.

"Geez tell me already"

He said as he nudge his shoulder against Y/n's. The fact that she has a crush on Heesung is the first secret she keep from Jay. She knows how much Jay hate Heesung,and things can turn out really bad.

"Look when are you going to have a girlfriend? Like don't you have any girl that you like?"

Shaking his head Jay drink the coke and put it back on the table.

"Sorry we took so long"

Gyu spoke quickly as he take a seat next to Y/n with Heuning following him.

"It ain't my fault,you choose to stick up with Taehyun in the janitor's closet instead of my favourite ramen and now it is sold out"

Heuning said as he take the chair and sit next to Jay. Glaring at Heuning for giving too much information Beomgyu drink his water while Y/n smile widely, knowing what Gyu and Taehyun might be doing.

"You can eat mine, I'm already full"

Jay said as he pass the ramen to Heuning,the male smile widely and thank Jay with a light bow. All of them were having fun until a soft voice interrupt them.

"Can I sit here?"

The girl with spectacle asked as she point at the empty seat between Heuning and Gyu. And as expected Jay was about to say no but was cut off by Y/n.

"Sure! Take a seat"

Smiling widely Y/n sit up straight,she always wanted to have a female friend but all of the girls from her class only talk to her because they have a crush on Jay. But this girl looks different.

"Thank you"

Fixing her glass,the new girl shyly sit down on the empty seat. Jay sighed with annoyance and look at Y/n who is looking at the new girl with a wide smile on her face. He saw excitement in her eyes which makes him soft,and if she is okay with it,then he don't mind it. Because he is very sure that nobody can take his place. The bestfriend place in Y/n's heart.

"What's your name?"

Y/n asked,the new girl have a brown hair,she tied it in ponytail and her round spectacle almost fall off from her face so she had to fix it again and again.


(An: 'Byeol' means 'star' in Korean)

"Nice to meet you Byeol, I'm Y/n, Park Y/n"

The shy girl bow lightly with a smile on her face and the others started to introduce themselves as well. But the way Jay talks,the way he look at Y/n make Byeol heart race.

"You're in our class right?"

Gyu asked, making the girl nod her head. 'Wait why didn't I know that?'
Y/n ask herself,maybe because she was drowning all of her attention to Heesung. After having a nice talk while eating their lunch the bell ring which cause Gyu to shout again.

"No one from this school have difficulty in hearing Mister Bang Si-Hyuk!"

Gyu shouted,making some students who are leaving the cafeteria laugh.
(An: My man is the head here)

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