아홉 (9)

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"Oh Byeol, let's go?"

Y/n said with a book on her hand,she saw the visible blush on her cheeks with makes Y/n smirk.

"Wow wow wow you already met your prince charming?"

Byeol blush harder,making Y/n giggle. Teenage love,rare and beautiful,some last forever while some last only for a month. But Byeol wished that Jay will be the one her heart is longing for.

"I will tell you about it later, let's go to class"

Byeol suggested,nodding her head repeatedly Y/n lock her arm with Byeol and leave the library. Byeol turn around one last time to see Jay watching them with two books on his hand.

"Byeol tell me who is he"

Y/n ask as she run over to Byeol as soon as the class is over. Gyu and Heuning walk to Byeol seat as well while Heesung watch them from his seat.

'Why am I even waiting for her to leave first?'

The male ask himself,shaking his head Heesung stand up,hands inside his pocket as he walk out from the class,ending some model careers.

"Lee Heesung"

He stop his track when he heard Jay calling his name, Jay was standing there looking gorgeous as always,his part hair,soft peachy lip and a silver necklace that Y/n give to him on his 17th birthday makes him look surreal.

Walking closer to the male the girls who come out from the classroom squeal,two handsome boys from the school,face to face.

"What do you want?"

His voice comes out more like a whisper,biting his inner cheek Jay stand up straight and look Heesung right in the eye.

"Where is Y/n?"

Heesung scoffs,licking his lower lip he open his mouth to answer but was cut off.

"Here my guy"

The lucky girl, everyone's dream girl make her way towards Jay with a smile on her face. Jay feel butterflies inside his stomach,but he don't know that he is not the only one who feel butterflies.

Lee Heesung,he feel it too. He is slowly getting used to the girl flirting with him in every chance she get and to he honest he would love to have Y/n stick with him till the end.

"Let's go?"

Y/n asked,the male nod his head and make his way to the cafeteria. Heesung watch her back till she disappear.

He hates it,he hates to see her stick with Jay everytime he is here.


Y/n called out, ruining their comfortable silence,Byeol was fast enough to kick Y/n under the table,yes she tell her everything after the class. But Y/n promise her that she won't tell anything to Jay. The male turn to
Y/n, putting down his chopstick and look at her lovingly,the way he never look at other girls,and Byeol isn't dumb to not notice how Jay treat Y/n differently.

"Do you have a crush or a girl that you personally like?"

Many things come into his mind,yes he do have a crush,no,more than a crush actually. A girl which he loves dearly with his whole heart. And it is the same girl who ask him the question.

"I no- I don't like girls"

He blurted out. Making Gyu choke his drink. Coughing real hard Heuning help him by tapping his back.

Second Choice// Lee Heesung//Where stories live. Discover now