열하나 (11)

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"Welcome home, slut"
Y/n heard her mom's voice as soon as she close the door behind her.

"Did you just slut shame me?"
Asked Y/n,her mom stay quiet for a bit as her daughter now talk back to her. With so much confidence in her voice.

"Because if you did, I will not hold myself any longer and tell me dad how you hook up with his driver"
A smirk appear in Y/n's face,her mom just open her mouth to say something but no words left her mouth. Soyee just stand there, watching her sister walk towards her room and then back to her mom.

"What was that? You hook up with Mister Jung?"
Soyee asked,her mom just stay quiet making Soyee scoffs and leave her mother alone.

Y/n close her bedroom door and put her backpack down on the floor next to her study table. The door burst open and there Soyee was standing looking not so happy.

"What do you want sister A student who suck her history teacher to score full mark in his subject?"
Y/n spoke with her words full of sarcasm. She knows everything,saw how her mom aggressively make out with Mister Jung on their shared bedroom with her dad. And she saw Soyee sucking their history teacher in the school detention room after school. And many more to expose them and let them know how dirty they are.

"How did you know all of this?"
Soyee asked as she walk to Y/n who is comfortably sitting on her bed,swaying her legs.

"Awhh what did I just do? I just upset my parent's first choice"
Y/n fake a pout which is enough to let Soyee anger burn,Y/n date a guy she likes which is Heesung and now she's talking some bullshit.

Soyee raise her hand to slap her younger sister,but she didn't.

"Slap me and I'll tell mom that you stole her Gucci purse and buy fake kylie lipkits with it"
Y/n didn't even flinch,Soyee sigh loudly and put her hand down. And for the first time in her life,Y/n feel like she finally win.

She get up and take off her uniform which makes Soyee widened her eyes. Y/n stand there with a smirk on her face.

"If you don't wanna see me naked you can leave"
The younger female asked politely,Soyee swear that she have a gender crisis when her younger sister look at her with a smirk on her face while wearing a white sports bra and a skirt.

"What brings you here?"
Heesung asked Jay,both are in the library. Jay don't like library nor books,they give him headache.

"Something important"
Jay said and look around the library,well let's cancel the line where I say 'Jay don't like library' because he is seeming to like the calm environment.

But he still unlike books.

"And that is?"
Heesung asked,closing the book which he just finished reading.

The other male tense up on hearing her name.

"Don't ever think about dating Y/n"
Jay spoke coldly. The other male scoffs and smirk a little. Which is hella attractive.

"Why? Do you like her?" - Heesung

"Very much" - Jay

"But I like her too" - Heesung

"Then don't,you already take my dad. Don't always try to have the things that I owned"
Jay's voice is low yet very clear.

"Your dad come to us Jay. Why can't you understand that?"
Heesung explained but the male roll his eyes and stand up from his seat.

Second Choice// Lee Heesung//Where stories live. Discover now