십 (10)

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Y/n walk through the hallway, searching for Jay. And a smile make their way in her face as she see him about to walk on the stairs.

Y/n and Jay stop walking when they heard a familiar voice,calling Y/n his babe. The female turn to her left and Heesung was standing there in the other hallway with 3 girls with him.

"That is my girlfriend"
He said as he points at Y/n. Jay turn around and look at Y/n who is looking at Heesung. Jay noticed how her ears turn red, there's a spark in her eyes and her cheeks turned pink.

"You guys are dating?"
Soyee asked,Y/n look straight into her sister eyes,and then to Heesung.

"Yes, he's mine"
Putting on a smile in her face Y/n walk to Heesung and stand next to him,the male feel so alive,he look down at Y/n who is busy staring at her sister.

"There is one thing that you can't have,and there is also one thing that I can have,which is obviously the thing that you can't have"
Y/n speak up,from the day she saved Byeol from those horny dudes Y/n become more of herself,she would speak up about her opinions and be her real self.

Jay look down at the scarf in his hand, it is cold and windy in the rooftop so he borrow one scarf from Yeonjun,for Y/n.

He mumbles as he tried to throw it on the dustbin next to him but a warm small hand hold his, stopping him from throwing. Jay turn around to meet Byeol,who looks nervous.

"It's not yours"
She spoke softly,and after a minute both Jay and Byeol were sitting on the bench,this spot is located in the back of the school and no one often visit it.

"You love her,do you?"
Byeol asked,and she's sure that Jay will answer her with a yes and tell her how much he love Y/n. But she would rather comfort him than to see him suffer alone.

"You like me, don't you?"
Jay ask back,making Byeol freeze right on the spot. 'Am I way too obvious? Do I show it off that much?' she ask herself.

"I um well"
Byeol try really hard to form a word but she just can't,Jay release a chuckle and look up at the clear sky.

"Byeol, I am not a good guy"
Jay said,taking a deep breath as he close his eyes.

"It's alright, I like bad boys"
Byeol said as she giggle cutely. Jay open his eyes and shift his gaze from the sky to Byeol.

"I will hurt you in the end because I don't think that I could move on from Y/n"
Byeol was speechless,her shoulder drop and and deep breath left her mouth.

"Then go get her"
Oh how hard Byeol tried not to break down at that time. Her own words are killing her.

"But she likes Heesung"

"Love her,show your love and affection to her. Try to be better than Heesung in impressing her. Who in this world will reject someone like you?"
Byeol blurted out. Her eyes got a bit teary. Oh how her heart clench when she tell Jay to impress Y/n so he can get her. But this is what lovers do. If it for their loved ones happiness,they will do anything and hurt themselves in the end.

The female helplessly turn around,ready to leave the garden.


"No, I'm fine. Goodluck in winning her heart"
She force a smile and walk away,as soon as she get inside the washroom,there she break down. Teenage love, which hurt millions of people just to see their loved once smile.

"Thank you for helping me Y/n"
Heesung said making Y/n blush like crazy. In their first day of school Heesung thought that Y/n will cause him trouble and ruin all his year but,from the past few weeks he never feel annoyed when Y/n flirt with him. He think of her at night,and even imagine how lonely he would be if she  disappear from his sight.

Y/n smile widely,both head towards their class.

"Do you um, want to have a beef with me? I mean not in a fighting way, I know a really good restaurant"
Heesung said,Y/n open her mouth to answer but one voice interrupts.

"Sorry but she's allergic to beef"
Jay said as he wrap his arms around Y/n's shoulder. The female recall of what Jay said in the rooftop.

"Yeah, Jay is right"
Y/n smile nervously and look up at Heesung,the students at the corridor were looking at the tree of them. Two hot students with one sweetheart of the school.

"Maybe we can have pork or chicken noodle soup instead"
Heesung suggested.

"I love chicken noodle soup! Let's go together after school"
Jay exclaimed,and that is when the war between Heesung and Jay started.

"I will never let you have Y/n,you take dad away from me. But not Y/n this time"
Jay thought. The two of them just intensely stare at each other. Their eyes do speak a lot of things.


🐾 I know that this chapter is shorter than the other one but trust me there will be long ass drama in the next part (I'm so sorry for cursing,if you're under 12,you didn't see that, it's your imagination)

🐾 Thank you so much for reading part 10,we are like 5/6/7 part away from the end but that's okay. And I hope you enjoy this part

🐾 Hope you guys stay hydrated, and please be safe from Corona,show love and support me till the end of this Fanfiction

If you want to read a very interesting Soobin Fanfiction, it's on my acc too,so you can check it out anytime!

                  -Your favourite author,Dee🐨

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