열 두번째 (12)

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Y/n step out of the house with her sister,Soyee. Good for her that her mon and Soyee don't talk shit to her and overact about everything.

Her eyes are pluffy,and it can be surely seen that she don't have a good sleep. She look so messy right now.

And as she expected,Jay didn't wait for her,as soon as she look up she see him walking by,and he don't even spare her a glance.

Ignorance,the most painful thing is to be ignored by the one who we walk with every morning and talk with every time. And do you want to know what is more painful?

To know that they have the right to ignore you because you've hurt them,and you have nothing to do with it and just... Got ignored.

Y/n is afraid that she might lose Jay and their god knows how many years friendship.

Soyee call her name softly,which is very.. suspicious yet beautiful. The girl look at her sister.

"Did you guys fight?"
She ask and walk with Y/n,the younger girl shake her head and look down.

"We don't fight. I just- I hurt him"
Y/n mumbles,on the other hand Jay walk on the path where he always walk with Y/n.

He miss her,he miss her talking next to him all the way to school,he miss her making him smile even on his worst days. He miss Y/n. But who is he to miss her now? A best friend that love her more than he should?

Y/n walk inside the classroom,Gyu and Heuning quickly walk up to her but they are quite surprised by how the girl look so unhappy today. And Jay don't send her off to their class.
Y/n is just tired, she's just too weak to put on a smile on her face and pretend she's fine. Because she is not fine.

"Y/n what's wrong?"
Beomgyu ask,the girl look at Beomgyu and then up to Heuning. Her eyes screaming that she is tired.

"Excuse me for today, I don't feel too good"
And with that she walk pass the two of them and sit next to Heesung,who is already staring at her since she entered the classroom.

As soon as she sit down Heesung turn to her. Yesterday Heesung ask Y/n to go home with him and get dry but the girl reject her offer and Heesung end up seeing off the girl to her house. She said she need a time to think,and a time to mentally recover for what happened. So she cancel their date which is for today.

But Heesung is not mad at Jay,nor at Y/n because he know that it's not their fault,he just like Y/n and she happend to like him back,she like him from the first place actually. Lee Heesung is just too dumb to see that.

Y/n weakly look at Heesung. When she see his brown worried eyes,she feel like she is home. The boy slowly shift his right hand from his table to Y/n hands.

When she feel his warm hand on hers,Y/n close her eyes and her warm tears make their way down. She miss Jay,she miss him so much but is it her fault that she like Heesung? She didn't know anything from the start and maybe if she knew,things won't be this messy.

Ans when Heesung see her crying, because of Jay for the second time. He stand up and walk out of the classroom. Everyone inside the class just look at him leave,but Y/n quickly walk after him,which is followed by Beomgyu,Heuning and some curious students.

Heesung hear Y/n,telling him to stop but he enter the classroom where Jay sit,he walk up to him and grab him by his collar. Before Jay could react he receive a punch on his face.

The girls scream because of the sudden drama.

"I told you, I fucking told you not to make her cry ever again!"
Heesung shout at his face,Jay lick his bottom lip which is bleeding a bit from the hard and painful punch,he smirk at Heesung and look at Y/n who just enter the classroom.

"I don't make her cry"
This time Jay speak calmly.

"You fucking did! Fuck it Jay why did you make her cry?!"
Heesung punch him again right on the face. But as he try to punch him again,a small and warm hand hold his,making him go crazy and stop right on his track.

Y/n call out his name,making him feel butterflies. Both Jay and Heesung look at Y/n,the girl let go of Heesung hand and eye him to move,which Heesung gladly did. Then she put out her hand and offer it to Jay,who is laying on the classroom floor.

Jay look at her for a second and stand up by himself. And there,she know that even if they ever talk to each other again,their friendship will never be the same like before.

But someone hold her hand,Lee Heesung.

"Do you really want to be like this?"
Y/n ask,Jay look at her in the eye,before he could answer Teacher Shim walk inside the classroom.

"Jay and Heesung. To the principal office"
He say as he points at the two of them with his scale.

Y/n sit by herself and look out at the window. In just 2 days,her life become very messy. And it's been 40 minutes,but there is no sign of Heesung.

Y/n feel bad for both Jay and Heesung,but who can we blame in this love story? Kim Y/n? Lee Heesung? Or Jay Park?

Just blame fate for bringing them together. Because the three of them have the right to like whoever they want.

The teacher dismiss the class and every student leave the class and head to cafeteria to fill their empty stomach but Gyu and Heuning walk up to Y/n.

"Aren't you going to eat?"
Heuning ask,Y/n smile at them and shake her head.

"This isn't right,you shouldn't be crying over boys with pretty eyes. I mean it is not your fault that you like Heesung,and it isn't his fault that he like you too. Because you both don't know that Jay have a thing for you"
Beomgyu spill the fact,Heuning nod his head in agreement and Y/n also agree what Gyu is saying. No one can be blame here.

"You look like a cow going through puberty. Fix your hair and let's go grab some coffee. You should have the courage to date Heesung,and the courage to take Jay back as your bestfriend"

With that Gyu stand up and offer his hand to Y/n,the girl smile at him and the three of them walk out of the classroom. Y/n smile is not fake,it is genuine because she is happy to have a friend like Beomgyu and Heuning.

She have fun because she know that her teenage year shouldn't be ruined by boys with pretty eyes. She love herself more than anyone could. And she will date Lee Heesung,and get his best friend back.


💌 Thank you so much for reading part twelve, I hope you guys like it and enjoy reading it!

💌 And I'm so sorry to tell y'all that if the next part isn't the end then part 15 will surely be the end of the story.

💌 I hope you all stay safe and please take care, support and show some love till the end of the story!

-your favourite author, Dee 🐨

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