육 (6)

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Y/n was sitting on the classroom, next to Heesung who look at her worriedly.

"I don't know what's wrong with him,he ignored me since yesterday"

She said in a small tone,her eyes were fixed on her hand.

"And that makes you cry?"

She again release a loud sigh before her eyes comes in contact with his.

"Kind of,but don't worry I'm all good now"

The same smile appear on her face,which cause the male to look away.

"I am not worry I just"

"Just what?"

The girl wiggle her eyebrows,love to see Heesung's reaction when she tease him.

"Pity you"

Y/n smile drops.

He did it out of pity Y/n, don't get your hopes high. He just pity you because no one was there to comfort you.

Nodding her head she sit straight and the things that are happening around her since yesterday makes her tired.

After surviving Mr. Shim's class with physical and mental pain Y/n stand up and walk out of the classroom,and Jay wasn't there.

Her head hung low as she make her way to the cafeteria,she need a hot and nice coffee,and maybe sometime alone for her to think about herself.

As she entered the cafeteria her eyes quickly notice Jay sitting with Sunghoon, Yeonjun and Taehyun.

As long as ignoring me makes him happy. I can't do anything about it.

She thought,she grab her coffee and sit on the corner of the cafeteria, next to the large window.

"Just go to her"

Yeonjun spoke as he take a big bite of his burger,he really do eat well. Taehyun nod his head in agreement while Sunghoon turn to Y/n and look at her.

"I heard she cried"

He spoke calmly and look back at Jay.

"And you hate it when she cry"

He continued. And Jay also think he's wrong,his jealousy makes him cross the line and he didn't think Y/n would cry because of his ignorance,and she looks unwell today. But when Heesung step out for her and comfort her,it makes him feel like Y/n don't need him by his side anymore.

"You think Heesung will always be there for Y/n? Look at her, she's alone and no one understands her like you did. What about you make her happy and be there for her so she won't be needing Heesung?"

Taehyun asked.

"Exactly,go Jay"

Yeonjun said as he give him a thumbs up.

"What are you waiting for? Go"

Sunghoon said as she push Jay out of his seat. The male chuckles and mouth a small thank you to his friends and make his way to Y/n.

Y/n looks down at her phone while listening to some relaxing song. But she was distracted by the cough,looking at the male who stand next to her table she take off her earphone.

"Can I sit with you?"

Jay asked,Y/n quickly nod her head and flash him a smile. The male take a seat next to Y/n and he didn't fail to notice her pluffy eyes.

Second Choice// Lee Heesung//Where stories live. Discover now