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Y/n giggles as she stop in front of her house. And that's when her smile slowly fade,for a short period of time Y/n forgot that she is now living with her mom.

"This is my house,follow me I'll get your uniform dry"

The girl said as she look at Heesung,the rain isn't as heavy as before, just a small tiny drops fall off from the sky. The wind swiftly blows against their body giving them goosebumps.

"No I'm good"

"Yah what's with that attitude? You will catch a cold"

Y/n said and smile at him. The male show her his small mischievous smile.

"We will catch it together,see you tomorrow"

He said and walk pass her,Y/n froze right there. Did Heesung just smile at her? And tell her that he'll see her tomorrow? She turn around and smile at him for a second and head to the door. Taking a deep breath she twist the door knob and open the door.

"Welcome home Soy-"

Sojung smile drops as she saw Y/n who is dripping wet instead of her lovely  daughter.

"Where is Soyee?"

Y/n give her a faint smile before walking pass her mother.

She will never care.

"I asked you a question"

Y/n sighed and turn around,looking straight at her mother eyes.

"School,she have a project to be done by today with Jay, don't worry your daughter will be home soon"

She answered,giving her mom a smile,a smile she always use to cover up her pain,her tears.

"What is wrong with you Park Y/n?"

A scoff left Y/n's mouth. Making her mom frown.

"Nothing is right from the start,what do you expect from a girl who never gets to feel the love of her parents? Do you think everything will be alright if-"

A sharp pain across her cheeks makes her stop talking. And that's when she realized that her mom slap her. Just because she tell her her problems,just because she was telling the truth.

"Don't try to make me feel bad
Y/n,you are just loveless and that isn't our fault, it's yours"

And with that,Y/n nod her head and smile lightly,her eyes glittering because of the tears she's holding in.
Turning around she walk to her room with Sojung looking at her figure entering her room.

As soon as she close the door she put her hand over her mouth and sit down on the cold floor of her bedroom.

After feeling genuinely happy for a moment,she end up here again. With her warm tears falling down her pink cheeks.

"You are just loveless and that isn't our fault, that's yours"

The words repeat itself in her head,even though she hate it and want to get it out,she just can't. And her tears, won't stop flowing.

After crying for some minute,she get up and walk inside the bathroom to clean up, instead of thinking about what happened earlier,she decided to think about Heesung.

The way he smile at her for a second makes her giggle and smile like an idiot.

But will she be his second choice too? Or maybe not even a choice.

Second Choice// Lee Heesung//Where stories live. Discover now