in my dreams 💖

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this song is awsome so im writing a tommy angst on it :)

tw: abandonment

hi= someone else talking
hi= the song

They say I was found at the side of a road

Thats what everyone has said well everyone I can remember anyways.

There were tracks all around it had recently snowed

someone left me there to fend for myself in the freezing cold weather with no memories on who i am or why i was there

In the darkness and cold with the wind in the trees

the road was in a forest far away from any sight of living. The best place to put an abandoned child.

A boy with no name and no memories but these

I will never know who left me on the road or how I got there but I hope that one day I will find them

Rain against the window sheets upon a bed

I woke up in a small room, it was all white with a few dots of blue on the walls, the bed was small but just big enough to fit me on, it was fully white and fiitted perfectly around my skinny body.

Terrifying nurses whispering overhead

The small mumbles i heard from the other side of the door, some asking questions on how i ended up there some saying i dont know and others i couldnt hear

Call the child tommy give the child two disks

My name Tommyinnit but tommy also works was given to me by some nurses in a hospital not so far away from where i was found. The disks, my prized possession but also the cause of so much misery in my life just because they are the only thing i care about

I dont know a thing before that

I may have been terrified of those nurses but unlike anyone I can remember they were kind for some reason liked me

Travelling the back roads sleaping in the woods

Once i got out of the hospital I had to find out how to fight for myself and trust people lets just say it was harder than it seems

Taking what I needed working when I could

I worked for a baker called puffy she was helpful and kind especially for the situation i was in.

keeping up my courage foolish as it seems, at night all alone in my dreams

ever since I got out of the hospital ive been travelling through forests hoping to find some form of freedom without feeling like im being hunted

in my dream shadows call there's a light at the end of a hall

one day I will be able to live happily again! Well I think it lived happily before

then my dreams fade away but I know it will all come back one day

I dream of a city beyond all compare is it l'manberg? l'manburg

yeah! I remember that place it was small and my friends lived there like um w- wilby? I can't remember

a beautiful river a bridge by a square and I hear a voice whisper I'll meet you right there in l'manberg, l'manberg

the voice was a bit higher than mine so I think he's a child called urm- uh- tub- tubbo? tubbo probably right! what a wierd name

you don't know what it's like not to know who you are

to have lived in the shadows and and travelled this far

I've seen flashes of fire! heard the echos of screams but I still have this faith on the truth of my dreams

maybe one day I'll find this so called l'manberg and maybe just maybe I'll be able to see my friends again

in my dreams its all real and my heart has to much to reveal

hopefully one day I'll have my memories back

and my dreams seem to say dont be afraid to go on

I see what looks to be a bird hybrid flying above me, they seem to be going the same way as me so maybe I'm going the right way

don't give up hope, come what may

I see buildings tall and small, banners everywhere, people laughing and smiling. There's a group of people staring at me now I recognise their faces but I can't remember their names

I know it will all come back, one day!

they are now running towards me, I just wanna go home I don't know what do do- I curl up in a ball crying hoping that I'll wake up soon and be with my family when I feel warmth embrace me


"Tommy it's okay we're here"

"your home Toms"


"YES! yes it's me your safe"

and they lived happily ever after /j

yo look at me publishing something finally!

anyways I hope you enjoyed because this took me months to write lmao. also if any of yall are going to gateshead con on Halloween come see me im cosplaying marceline and my friend is cosplaying ciel and my other friend I'm pretty sure is cosplayimg mina <3

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