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My atlantis. My L'manburg. My home.

Wilbur made a promise. He broke it. TechnoBlade. The TechnoBlade chose anarchy over friendship. And Dream, oh Dream, no matter the circumstance it was always Dream vs. L'manburg. Dream vs. my home. Dream. vs. me.

We've built this town on shaky ground. This nation was built on Dream SMP land but that doesn't mean that it was owned by Dream it was owned by the Wilbur Soot and me, Tommy Innit. Of course we shouldve known that it was a stupid idea making a nation in a nation but that wasnt the point. We wanted to be able to do our own thing. Me 'n my brother having fun being stupid kids that we are.

Or were.

 The past three years we've gone from having fun and being kids to him being a mass murderer and a psycopath and me being a trauma filled maniac who can't keep friends because they either die or get annoyed at you for being how you are.

The silly ideas you and your best friend have usually never make it out of your little fantasy world and now. Now that i know first hand how it is for it to leave fantasy. i know. Oh i know that never should. The fun you guys plan will never just be fun it'll cause you nights of no sleep because of fright that something might happen. it'll cost you good friendships because your anxiety chips away from you. It'll cost you a happy family. A family that's always there for you. Because you chose a fantasy over reality.

Fantasy won't save you if it is made into reality.

not this time.

not ever.

Hello my lovelies <33

em posting twice in a month what world is this?

maybe its fantasy wink wink winkady wink wink wink.

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