dandelions 💅

524 7 14

TW: death
his favourite plant has always been dandelions, he loved the contrast of yellows and how some are white and fluffy. sometimes I wish I couldve gave him the dandelion crown I made him but George broke it as a joke well I think it was a joke anyways. he's always had a weird way of joking around thats something I've never really gotten about him.

Techno would sit with a dandelion in his hand whenever he was outside, making things with them or just fiddling with one in his hand. Who knew that one bullet could damage someone so badly I didn't thats for certain. if I did he'd still be here and maybe I could've told him how much I loved him and not just have to say that to a stone block that holds a rotting body almost 6ft below.


Hello my lovelies <333

i was listening to the song dandelions and i wrote this

please get sad over it i really like this one

i love you all <3

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