Phil isn't Tommy's real dad?! ❤

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yoooooooooooooooooooo this is dadnoblade and there isn't any ships in this one :)

Technos not a rabbit origin and is a piglin hybrid. also it's cannon here that phil and tommy know sign language because technos deaf :)

also origins smp au

☆Philza's POV☆

Techno sent me a letter today. Apparently the war or whatever he was doing had ended and he was gonna come home. Don't get me wrong I'm excited to see my best friend again but I'm not sure how Tommy will react when I tell him. Techno's been gone for almost a year yeah I understand that he had no choice it was a kill or be killed situation that even the blood god couldn't get away from but in Tommy's eyes Technoblade is this immortal blood god when he isn't really.

Tommy's POV☆

I wonder when dad's coming home I miss him. I hope nothing bad has happened to him that wouldn't be fun.

"Hey Tommy where is dad?" I hear Wilbur ask from the kitchen

"I don't know probably in the pub like usual" yeah Wilbur thinks I'm Phil's biological child I can tell how he sees it. I grew up with Phil around so when dad dropped me off at the pub and left for the war I wasn't as anxious as I usually am. Philza met Wilbur about a month into me staying at the pub and he immediately was taken in and cared for and Will just assumed I was Phils biological kid like phil could get a woman anyway. Yeah I know he has a wife but shes always away working so I'm gonna pretend she isn't his wife.

☆time skip☆

"TOM DAD WANTS YOU! AND NO YOU AREN'T IN TROUBLE" I hear Wilbur yell from the kitchen.

"OKAY!" I yell back, quickly running downstairs trying not to trip but failing anyway.

"Will could you leave the room for a bit?" Phil asks when I step into the kitchen. He's holding a letter this can't be good.

"uh, yeah OK?" He answers walking out of the room closing it carefully behind him.

"What has dad done? he's not dead right?" I ask starting to freak out

"no! no, uh he's coming home" OH MY GOD FINALLY

"Holy fuck-" I say with a smile on my face Phil walks over and hugs me clearly glad that I was happy that I'd finally get to see my dad once more I mean he's awsome why wouldn't I want to see him

"He said he's on his way home, I'm not sure when he'd make it here but he's on his way"

"oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" I hear Phil chuckle and a door fling open


"Wow, wow calm down he didn't do anything Wilbur" I tell the incredibly tall adopted child

"ok but then why were you freaking out then?" he asks and I look at Phil for help

"uh- we- we were talking about my wife coming home soon, he hasn't seen her since he was 5"

Phil you know when my dad comes home Wilbur will think he's your husband I sign to phil knowing that Wilbur doesn't know sign language

"Bro since when did you guys know sign language-" Wilbur asks

"uh most of my life-"

"we learnt it for one of my friends who's deaf mate, you might get to meet him soon" He was correct and Wilbur will meet him soon but it'll be really awkward. whatever.

"Oohhh okayyyy, can you teach me?" well we probably should so yeah OK

"yeah of course mate"

☆Time skip to a week later when Wilbur☆ ☆knows basics☆

knock knock

'OH MY GOD IS THAT HIM' I think as I run to the door

when I get to the door I stand there for a second realising that he may not recognise me I mean it has been 4 years since he went away. Whatever I open the door


☆Technos pov☆

I knock in the door anxiety creeping up. What if I don't recognise him anymore? Why did I go and join that war? I probably stressed Phil out too much with leaving Tommy there. He was only supposed to look after Tommy for a few months not a few years. suddenly I feel air fly at my face and I look up to see Tommy run at me and give me a hug which I gladly return.

After a while of hugging I let go

Oh Theseus I missed you I'm sorry for leaving you for so long I love you kiddo I sign to him with a smile on my face

dad it's fine I understand that you weren't meant to be gone for that long I'm just glad your back I love you too He signs back making tears form in the corners of my eyes as I see Phil run to the door with someone I haven't met before

Philza how are you! I sign

I'm good mate! come inside it's cold I'll get Ranboo to take care of Carl okay? I nod and he lets me in with Tommy clinging to my arm

☆Wilburs pov☆

what the actual fuck- is Phil gay or have I been lied to since Phil adopted me?

"Mate this is Technoblade call him Techno though, he's Tommy's dad" WHAT- hold up- I'm so confused right know

hello I'm ***** **** ** **** *** Not gonna lie I did not have a clue what he said-

Phil signs something

"uh he-hello i-im t-t-techno" he says slured hoping he said that correctly

I wave back and Tommy drags him to the sofa and cuddles into him as in he's never going to let him go. I've never seen Tommy like this before it's sweet

☆Phils pov☆

Thomas Careful Danger Theseus Kraken Innit what did you just say? Techno signs

N-nothing dad it's fine Tommy signs back trying to hold back his laughter

I'm going to make some food do you want anything? I sign and ask the others who all nod and I walk of to make potatoes salad knowing its technos favourite

☆no one's pov☆

After food they played board games and laughed until 2am where they had all fell asleep

The end......


Hello my lovelies<33

sorry the ending was a but rushed uh I liked the idea of techno being deaf cause if the loud noices at war so I added it.

i love you all <33

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