Chapter Fourteen

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I closed the door behind Simon and turned around to find Liam a foot away, glaring at me

"What?" I snapped

"Don't do this, Niall. Don't use her like this!" He said a little too emotional for my liking.

"Use who?" I raised an eyebrow

"You know exactly who I'm talking about" He spoke through clenched teeth. I smiled brightly

"Oh, Liam…" I shook my head, amused. "So involved yet so… Powerless" I smirked before bumping into his shoulder as I made my way past him to my room.

I opened the door to find Hannah exactly how I left her – Sleeping.

I walked closer to her, and kneeled down in front of her taking in every inch of her flawless face. Slowly, I could feel her waking up. Her blue eyes opened and widened when she saw me. This immediately put me off.

"I've got news for you, love" I smirked. I could tell she was getting anxious. "We're going to a premiere tomorrow and you're my date"

She squinted her eyes, confused.

"Two rules" I said and seized her jaw lightly "Keep your pretty little mouth shut" I let go of her jaw and lifted her chin up a little "And obey me." I said

She nodded, looking away "Look at me." I spoke softly, trying to catch her eyes. She ignored me. "LOOK AT ME!" I shouted. She slowly turned her head to face me. Her eyes were glistening. As much as I wanted her eyes to be set on mine, I hated the message they sent me. Pure hatred. I couldn't bear that.

I quickly looked away. If I stared into her eyes any longer, I'd either slap her or … Kiss her.

I got up and headed towards the door, slamming it on my way out.


I had a hard time digesting the scene prior.

He wanted me to go to the premiere with him as his date. Why? This made no sense. Niall can get any girl he wants that’s much, much pretty than me. Besides, why risk having me spill everything? I’m sure all the paps would be very interested to know what kind of “boyfriend” Niall is. It would ruin his image for good.

And the way he was acting… He seemed frustrated. Why was he frustrated? He went from cocky, to demanding, to angry. Niall never used to be this complicated and mysterious.

I heard a knock on the door before it being pushed open slightly and Liam’s face popping out. God I didn’t want to see him at the moment.

“May I?” He asked. I ignored him. I didn’t want to talk to him. But I didn’t want him to leave me either…

He came over without permission and sat down on the edge of my bed next to my extended legs.

“You can’t imagine how much I hate myself for leaving you” He looked down ashamed.

“Don’t worry about it.” I said flatly. He tilted his head to look at me

“Tell me what he did” His voice was shaky

“No.” I said.

“Hannah, please! I want to know what that pig did to you”

“What good is that going to give you? You’ll only be more hurt.” I tried to reason him. This felt strange. I usually was the one upset and him the one comforting me.

He shook his head, “I’m sorry. I just- … I promised. I promised I would keep you safe and I didn’t keep that promise” He radiated so much pain; I felt my own eyes moist. I didn’t know he cared for me that much.

“Niall’s clever, Liam. He would have gotten his way anyways.” I said

“How can you say that so lightly? He’s a God damn psychopath!” He shouted outraged.

“He’s not a psychopath.” I said looking down at my hands

“Really? Then what about the kidnapping? The cuffs? The constant abuse?” He said harshly “What’s his thing, Hannah? Chains? Brutality? Whips? Beatings? Blood? Doesn’t seem like he’s all that soft with you, does it?” He spoke in disgust.

A tear hit my wrist. I quickly looked away as I sobbed . “Please leave” I whimpered

“Hannah…” He whispered caressing my leg

“Now” I said in a trembling voice.

I felt his eyes on me. He then sighed and walked out, closing the door gently.

I cried myself back to sleep.


I woke up to an unfamiliar warmth next to me. I opened my heavy eyes to find Niall sleeping shirtless next to me on his stomach, an arm across my bare belly keeping me prisoner – Wait… Why is my belly bare?

I was stripped down to my bra and undies. Who unclothed me?

I mentally smacked myself.

Must I even ask?

I glanced over at Niall again. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. His head was half buried in the pillow, facing me. The part of his face against the pillow was slightly pushed up giving him this adorable chipmunk look. 
I was amazed by the warmth radiating from his body. I remember, when we were dating, I loved to snuggle underneath him when I was cold.

My eyes flickered back to his arm. It was securely holding me in place. It wasn’t pushing against my belly too much. It was just enough for me not to want to move in fear of waking him up. I was just wondering if he had his arm there on purpose or he just moved in his sleep.

I wondered what time it was. Would Liam be awake? I wanted to talk to him.

There was a great chance of waking Niall up. But he’s going to wake up anyways, so might as well give it a shot.


I very carefully slid his hand down my waist. He moved. I froze.

He groaned and snuggled closer, wrapping his arms around my waist, spooning me.

“I’m sorry” I heard him mumble distressed. Was he sleep-talking?

“Hannah...” He whimpered in his sleep and held me tighter, his hot breath hitting my neck. “... I love you.” He buried his head in the crook of my neck. My eyes were opened wide. Did I hear him right?


Did we just see a glimpse of sweet Niall? Yes. But just a sample. :P 

Love you guys!


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