Chapter Three

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"Leave, Hannah. But I swear to God I'll come back to get you. And that won't be pretty" He threatened with his thick Irish accent I once loved. His ugly words have ruined it. A week later I had packed my suitcase and left. Hoping he'd never put his words to action.


I groaned as I regained consciousness. My head hurt like hell. My eyes were too heavy to open. What happened? Where was I? 

I then remembered someone talking to me before I lost consciousness. He said 'Happy anniversary, love'

That doesn't make sense though. But that voice was so familiar...

Wait. Today's October 5th...

I remember now. It's Niall and I's anniversary.

Oh my God.

It was Niall.

I opened my eyes instantly. I pulled on my arms, they were tied behind a chair I was sitting on. So were my ankles. I looked around.

The room was quite small. There was a king-sized bed, a closet and the chair I was tied to. I tried to scream but because I still had tape over my mouth it came out as a muffle. A loud one, though. I started screaming louder. Tape can't quiet that, trust me.

The door swung open. I stared in awe.

"Hey babe, did ye miss me?" Niall grinned at the door. At every step he took towards me, my heart beat quicker. "Told you I'd come back to get you, didn't I?" He smirked. He knew I couldn't answer him. I shot him death glares letting him know exactly what I would say. He crouched down at my level.

"I'd love to remove that tape from your mouth, babe. But you're all the more pretty with your mouth shut. Let's not ruin that, yeah?" He grinned and stroked my cheek. I quickly threw my head to the other side, away from his hand. He chuckled "Don't play rough, love. You know I always win at that" He shot me a promising glare. I gulped and looked away. I can't cry in front of him. All these times I've been able to run before breaking down in cries but I'm stuck and I won't give him the satisfaction.

"I never forgot about you, ye know? How many times did I fantasize about this day, love? You'd be surprised." He smiled sweetly. I knew him well enough to imagine the real smirk he buried under that innocent looking smile. 

He leaned over and whispered in my ear "And I know you didn't forget about me" He leaned back and moved a strand of hair out of my face, this time I moved my head so it would hit his hand away. He raised his eyebrows at me for a second, then got up and walked out. He stopped at the door and turned around "I know you hate me, Han. Or so you make yourself believe. Doesn't matter. I've got you under my control and there's nothing you can do about it. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?" He winked and walked out but before the door shut, he re-appeared "Oh and if you need anything, give me a shout, yeah?" He chuckled and left.

The first tear rolled down my cheek. Soon enough followed by many more.

I hate you, Niall Horan. 

*Niall's POV* 

I slid down against the wall and cupped my face in my hands. 

"Babe..." I sighed as she got the last piece of clothing out of our closet. Ignoring me completely. She didn't know the pain she was putting me through. I grabbed her arm before she could leave. She shot me a look

"Let go of me, Niall" She spoke harshly. She looked at me waiting for me to let go or say something.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out" I spat and let go of her arm quite brutally. She ran out. A second later I heard her tires creak as she drove away in full speed. I groaned loudly

"Shit!" I shouted and punched the wall leaving a big hole in it. I fell down on the floor and an unfamiliar wet feeling came from my cheek and rolled down to my neck. 

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