Chapter Thirty-One

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               The creaking sound from the door was enough to wake me up from my light sleep. My eyes fluttered open. I propped my head up to catch a glimpse of the person standing at the door. Unable to identify the person, I fell back against the pillows, my head throbbing. 

"You have a lot of explaining to do."  

A cold shiver ran down my spine as those words were omitted no more than a meter from me. 

"W-what do you mean?" I stammered, my eyes searching for him. I started to panic. I could hear him. I could feel him. But I couldn't see him. 
     I gasped in horror when a cold hand gripped my shoulder. Shaking, I jerked my head in his direction to find him standing to my left, staring down at me. His eyebrows creased together and his lips were pressed in a tight line. His expression confused me deeply, as I had imagined him to be angry. I then replayed his words in my head, realizing his tone was rather upset. 

He sat down next to me, surprisingly perplexed. "Hannah..." Niall breathed, hesitating a few times before ceasing my hand. He bit his lip and finally lifted his gaze to look at me. "I'm really confused." He admitted, taking a deep breath before continuing on, "I'm confused as to why you haven't told me you're fucking pregnant." 

His words came out like daggers. His tone was harsh and sudden. I couldn't speak or even move. When my brain unfroze and started to operate again correctly, I realized how tightly he was gripping my hand. I winced, but he took no notice of that. "There's another thing that throws me completely off balance... And I was hoping you'd help bring light to that puzzle of mine." 

I looked away from him, waiting for him to speak. I could sense the rage he was forcibly keeping inside, which is why I didn't allow my gaze anywhere near him, and by that protected my face from an unexpected hit. His breath tingled against my neck, which is all that was exposed to him. "I want you to be looking at me when I tell you this. I want to be able to see your reaction." He said in a monotone voice. Not wanting to cross him, I obliged. I knew how this was going to end and not getting him furious at this point was still in my power. I then thought of ways to possibly lessen my punishment, once he'd get me to confess I was pregnant with Liam, not him. 

I tilted my head and stared deeply into his blue orbs, my face an inch from his. I relentlessly searched for some fondness, adoration or care in his gaze that I could use in my advantage. Of course, Niall was careful to show none of that. He didn't even take into account that I had willingly leaned in so close to his face. This was going to be much tougher than I thought. "I don't understand how you could get pregnant after all the precautions I took." He spoke, clenching his jaw. "I just... Fuck." He clenched his eyes shut tightly as he rubbed the back of his neck. Guilt and pity overwhelmed me at the sight of him. I leaned in a bit more and pressed my lips against his left cheek. As I pulled away, his eyes were wide open, staring at me completely lost. The thought of Niall finding out about Liam settled back in my mind. I instinctively leaned in again, this time aiming for Niall's lips. 

"What the fuck are you trying to do?" 

Niall's harsh voice made me realize that he not only wasn't kissing back but in fact, pushing me away from him. I stared at him in disbelief. "I- I was just..." I stuttered.

"You were just what? Trying to distract me?!" Niall shouted. How the hell did he know that? "See, Hannah, you can't even kiss me meaningfully. You think I don't feel it? You think I can't tell when you're pretending?" He spat furiously. "How can you expect me not to fuck with you, when you can't even be honest with me?" I was so confused. Did he or did he not know that I was pregnant with Liam? "God, I ... This is too much. I need some air." He shook his head before leaving the room, his hands digging down in his jean pockets. 

~ * ~

                "Fuck fuck fuck. God damn it!" I repeatedly slapped my palm against the steering wheel as I cussed. No fucking way this was happening.
Cars honked at me relentlessly while I sped my way through. No words could describe my wrath. A dad... I'm not going to be a fucking dad!

I parked in front of a pub. I took off my sunglasses, readjusted my snapback and pulled my pants up slightly as I walked in. It was probably 8 or 9PM. I sat down at a bar stool and ordered a glass of vodka. 

     Two hours or so later, I dizzily made my way out on the streets. The cold air hit me. I zipped my hoodie higher up, slid my hands in my pockets and decided to go for a walk. I had this burning sensation starting from my head, that spread down to my gut making me feel the passage the alcohol had taken. I inhaled sharply at the unusual feeling, dipping my chin further under the collar of my vest. My mind drifted to the U.S. Tour. I used to be so enthused that we were going to tour all over America. Now... Now I feel sick at the simple thought of it. I guess Hannah's news made me generally upset. Maybe the U.S. Tour was a good thing after all. A perfect way out of this mess. No sticking around. No responsibility. No child. 

 ~ * ~

               By the time I was back home, it was past 4 in the morning. I fumbled with my keys and shakily placed the house key in the keyhole. I twisted the key in vain. God damn it! Someone left their key from inside. Sighing, I bent down to pick up the teddy bear I bought before coming here and made my way to the windows, hoping one was unlocked. As I peeked through the window, the first thing I noticed was the living room lights that were on. The second thing that caught my eye had me squinting to be sure my vision was clear: Standing in the living room was Hannah, her eyes red and puffy, her lips swollen and wet, her hair completely disheveled sticking to her face. But that's not what bothered me. I've seen Hannah in this state so many times -and each time by my fault- it felt normal to me. 

No, what bothered me was Liam's presence. He had his arms around her, obviously consoling her. I noticed he seemed upset too, but was probably trying to hide it. He kept whispering things to her, that only seemed to upset her more. Liam seemed so passionate in what he was saying, my fists clenched automatically. He placed his hands on the sides of Hannah's face and leaned in abruptly, stopping when his lips were an inch from hers. He said something that made Hannah let out -I suppose- a whimper and nod her head frantically. Then, Liam gradually got down, bending his knees, letting his hands slide down Hannah's figure as he did so. He stopped when he was facing her stomach. Suddenly, he lifted Hannah's shirt to expose her flat belly. Liam placed his hand on it, and shot Hannah a look. Hannah kept crying, shaking her head. Liam removed his hand, and pressed his lips above her belly-button. 

As this scene unfolded before my eyes, I ran my hand through my hair anxiously. My eyes stung and the desire to break through that window and beat the shit out of Liam overwhelmed me. But for once, I didn't do that. I abruptly moved back -as if looking at them one second longer would blind me- and nearly tripped over a piece of wood. I waited 15 minutes outside, sitting on the trunk of my car. When the light inside the house went out, I forced open the window, climbed inside the living room and collapsed on the couch. 


I AM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN MONTHS !!!!!!! I'm sooo busy and unused to such schedules I need time to adjust to it and arrange some free time to write. I truly apologize to all of you and thank you so so so so much for being so supportive it means the world to me <3 And no matter how long I take to update (which hopefully won't be any longer than last time) I will finish this book !

Anyways, what do you think about this chapter? I'm really happy cause tomorrow, November 24th, will be KBMEBF's one year anniversary xD 

Also I really want to change the cover! So if any of you are really good cover-makers or know good ones who could make one for me please private message me! Thank you so much <3 xx


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