Inheritance (Charmed'98)(Fem!reader)

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Imagine.... the sisters being surprised to see that the handyman their grams had made sole maintenance 'man' in her will and testament (for the manor) was actually a woman and a really attractive one at that.

The death of grams had really taken a toll on the sisters, so much so that the concept of hiring someone, even if they were in the will and working as an unpaid participant, they'd chosen to wait until the mourning process was delt with to introduce a new face into their lives, a perfectly acceptable reason the handyman had no problem with.

The oldest sister, prue, later regretting when they learned the chandelier had suddenly stopped working after their grams' passing. Of course, a problem they'd fixed with the youngest sisters' return (phoebe left after grams died) and surprise discovery, this being the sisters powers, a trait their grams left for them to inherit.

Speaking of inheritance....

Soon after, they'd found more than just the chandelier had problems, an issue the youngest of the sisters had no problem fixing with their newfound magic but after a scolding from prue, they all agreed it was time for the handyman to come and work for them.

But when said handyman showed up they were surprised to find that it had been a woman.

A woman the charmed ones had a shared attraction for and later learned had been 'hired' because of her connection to the supernatural world as she was their whitelighter (an angel of sorts that guides good witches).

An attraction they'd later learn was passed down from their mother, patty, who'd fallen for her own whitelighter.

Based off S1E1. First time giving an imagine an actual title instead of the characters and show name. Damn, now that's a character arc *snorts*.

Didn't know how to include paige in without giving away how she was half-whitelighter. Maybe in a sequel?

Whitelighter!reader, fem!reader.
You can choose who ends up with the reader or feel free to make it platonic between all sisters.

Do I have to name the actors and characters (and describe them), still. Like, unleast someone's skipping chapters yall should know damn well who they are by now or yk go watch the series.


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