C H A P T E R - T E N

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Lieutenant Alyssa Torres climbed into her car at the end of her shift at ten o'clock that morning.

She had made plans with Detective Antonio Dawson to go to his apartment for a few beers and to watch the game but what happened in her office during her shift, she knew that there would be a lot more than just caps from beer bottles coming off.

Torres had first decided to head to her apartment to change out of the jeans and dark gray Squad t-shirt that she had worn to the shift yesterday morning and to shower.

"Hey, Alyssa," a voice calls just as the woman walks out of the elevator.

"Hey, Julian," she answers with a small smile, walking over to her apartment door that Julian was standing near.

"Do you have any plans today?"

"Oh, yeah, actually, I do. I'm sorry, one of my friends asked me to come over to his apartment for the game," Torres answers, giving the man an apologetic smile. "Did you want to go out or something?"

"I was going to ask you if you were free to watch the game but I guess you already have plans. Don't worry about it, we can go to dinner sometime," Julian says, placing his lips to Alyssa's before heading to the elevator, adjusting the bag he had on his shoulder.

The lieutenant slides into her apartment, immediately kicking off her tennis shoes from her sore feet and collapsing on the sofa after she wobbles over there like she was drunk.

She had just laid down on the couch when her phone started ringing.

The woman didn't bother checking the name, already guessing who it might be.

"If you want a booty call you have to come shower with me," she answers.

"I would but I have a case," Detective Antonio Dawson replies over the phone, sounding distressed and annoyed.

"So I can't come over for beer and the game?" Alyssa groans, knowing that her fridge was fresh out of beer.

"If you come and get the key from me at the precinct, you can go over and I'll meet you there when I'm done," Antonio offers.

"Give me half an hour or so, I just got off," the woman mutters sleepily into the phone.

"We're showering when I get home too," Antonio answers, a smirk on his face as he stood in the locker room at 21st District, hoping no one would walk in and hear the conversation that he was currently having with the hardass Squad Lieutenant at Firehouse 90.

"I hope that means shower sex because I haven't had that in forever," Torres groans, sliding off of the couch and heading to her room to change.

Since Antonio wanted to shower with her, there was no point in her showering an hour or two before Antonio would go to his apartment.

"I'll see you there, baby girl," Dawson says.

"Yes, you will, Toni," She answers, smiling through the phone as they share a goodbye before ending the phone call.

Torres tosses her phone a few feet away onto the bed and slides open her closet door, taking in all of the shirts, pants, jackets, and dresses that she had in the small space.

She knew that she didn't want to wear the worn-out bra or the old underwear that she wore to work. She pulls out one of the drawers in her closet and digs through her bras and panties.

She grabbed one of the sexiest bras that she has and the matching pair of panties and tossed them on the bed next to her phone.

The woman steps back once more and looks over all of the clothes she has before deciding on an outfit to wear to Antonio's apartment.

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