C H A P T E R - T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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When Alyssa Torres woke up on Saturday morning, she was feeling oddly ... ready.

She didn't have anything planned today but felt as if she could do anything.

When she looked onto the bed next to her, she found that Kelly Severide was asleep next to her, the blankets covering his lower half but leaving his bare chest on display.

The woman turns onto her side and sets one hand on the man's chest, right over his heart before setting her head on his left shoulder.

Kelly sleepily sets his left hand on the small of her back, pressing her body to his side but she still knew that he wasn't yet awake since he didn't speak.

After lying cuddled up to his side for a few more moments, she moves to straddle him, burying her face into his chest and he wraps both arms around her middle.

"Kells," she murmurs, kissing his cheek and the man rubs her back, still asleep.

"Go back to bed, shorty," he whispers, kissing her forehead slightly before setting his head back into the pillows and falling back asleep even though he had barely woken up.

"I'm not tired," she protests, bringing her chest off of his and sitting on his thighs, her hands keeping her steady by placing themselves on his chest.

"But I am," he mumbles.

"Wake up, Kells," she says, poking his chest.

"Princess, I will spank you," Kelly mumbles, causing the woman to blush and lean down, burrowing her face into the crook of his neck so Kelly couldn't see how red her face had turned.

The man smirks, kissing the top of her head, and he wraps his arms tighter around her middle, keeping their chests tightly together.

"What are we doing today, Princess?" Kelly mutters, gently rubbing circles on the small of her back.

"I want to go see Dr. Charles," she answers.

"You what?" the man asks, his eyes snapping open.

"Hmm?" Alyssa questions, confused about the man's sudden outburst and she lifts her head from his neck to look into his now wide blue-grey eyes.

"What did you say?"

"I want to go see Dr. Charles ... or have him come here."

"You're serious?" he asks and she nods.

"I need to do it at some point, Kells, and I think I'm ready."

"I don't want you to rush yourself, Lys."

"I'm not, Kelly. I'm ready to talk to him about this."

"And you're okay with me being there?"

"Of course I am, Kells, there's hardly anything that I have to tell Dr. Charles that I haven't told you."

"You wanna do it today?"

The woman nods before burying her face back into his chest.

"You okay?" he mutters and she nods, kissing his cheek.

"Come on, Kells, let's go get some breakfast," she says, removing her chest from his and sitting on his thighs.

"I'm still tired," Kelly mumbles, turning his head away from the woman and shutting his eyes, causing her to chuckle.

"Come on, I'm hungry," Alyssa says, poking his chest.

"Five more minutes, babe, and then I'll go make breakfast," he murmurs, causing the woman to smile.

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