C H A P T E R - T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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A few minutes later, Kelly Severide once again parked the car on the side of the street next to Firehouse 51.

Alyssa Torres was still asleep in the seat next to him, curled up into almost a ball on her fully-reclined seat.

Their hands were tightly clasped together and it was obvious that the woman wasn't letting go.

He allowed the woman to sleep for a few more minutes until he knew he'd get in some kind of trouble for being almost two hours late for shift.

"Princess," he mutters, unbuckling his seatbelt so he can face the woman better and wake her up kinder.

The woman groaned as she shifted from her side onto her back, extending her legs out so they were resting on the floor of the car, gently squeezing the man's hand.

"Princess," Kelly says again, reaching down and gently brushing the hair from the woman's face.

"Hmm?" Torres murmurs before letting out a groan.

She releases the man's hand and gives the biggest stretch that she could manage in the car.

"Wake up, Princess, I need to go to work."

The woman groans before rolling onto her side, her eyes fluttering open so her brown orbs could stare at the man in the driver's seat.

"Ah, she's awake," he smiles, causing a small smile to form on the woman's face. "Come on, Princess, set your seat up, let's go."

Alyssa pulled her seat back into the sitting position, still yawning and stretching.

"You can go back to bed once we get inside, okay?"

At those words, her eyes filled with worry and she locked eyes with the man.

"Hey," he says in a bright voice that almost instantly made the woman feel a little bit better. "You got this. I believe in you."

"Kelly," she murmurs.

"Hey, Princess," Kelly says, reaching over and grabbing her chin, gently bringing her face up to look at his. "You know these people, all of them. I trust these people, okay? I wouldn't take you anywhere where I wasn't sure that you'd be safe, you know that, right?"

Alyssa takes a deep breath before nodding, forcing a small smile on her face.

"You can't fool me with a fake smile, Princess," he chuckles, causing a real small smile to form on her face at the happy sound that left the man's mouth. "You think you can do this?"

She takes another deep breath before nodding.

"Good girl," he smiles, leaning over and placing a small kiss on her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too," the woman murmurs, scooting closer to the man and burying her face into the crook of the man's neck.

"Come on, Princess, don't want your favorite lieutenant to get a mark on his records, do ya?"

"Casey's inside though, see, his car's right there," Alyssa teases, pointing over at Casey's work truck, earning a small playful gaze from the man next to her.

"Thanks, babe, really appreciate it, not hurting my feelings at all," Kelly teases, pulling away from the woman and unbuckling his seatbelt.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," she giggles. "Hey," she calls as the man reaches into the backseat, grabbing his duffle bag so his side is facing the woman.

"Hmm?" he calls as he shoves a few things into his duffle bag before pulling it into the front seat and facing the woman.


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