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tw: homophobia.

"jung wooyoung smiled at you?!"

harshly whacking yunho on the back of his head, san worriedly darts his eyes around the school corridors, praying that nobody heard the older's overexcited shriek. san couldn't help but give yunho — as his beloved best friend — every single detail, even if it was an incident as minor, yet memorable, as this one.

"what is wrong with you?!" san whisper shouts, cheeks burning red in embarrassment.

"can't i be happy for my lovely best friend?" yunho pouts. he stops walking and glues himself onto the spot, causing the blond to stop in his tracks too.

"it's just- there's nothing to be happy about. wooyoung's straight. heterosexual. a smile doesn't mean anything!"

a voice joins itself into the boys' conversation, "oh, really? i wonder why our little choi freaked out so much that he shattered my fucking mirror, then."

san gasps, as yunho contrastingly cackles. "hyung! you weren't supposed to tell anyone that!"

chanhee shrugs, wrapping his arms around both of their shoulder's before starting to walk again. "just making sure no misinformation is being spread."

"god, san, i can't believe you broke chanhee hyung's mirror over a smile." yunho laughs in disbelief at the news he'd been told.

"it was my full length one, too," chanhee adds, huffing in annoyance.

"well, it-it wasn't my fault! i was just, uh, testing to see if i was dreaming or not," san attempts to defend himself. "because, you know, my crush of three fucking years noticed me for the first time in my existence. it wasn't on purpose or anything, i promise!"

chanhee chuckles softly at his brother's persuasion. "you're okay, little choi. i'm letting you off this time."

"ah, you're the best, hyung!" san exclaims contently, starting to skip in his steps a little.

maintaining their conversation, the trio shortly get to the blond's locker, who fumbles with his key for a second before swinging it open. san searches for his maths book; he unfortunately has his least favourite subject next. pulling the book out and tucking it under his arm, a small, crumpled piece of paper flutters to the ground.

eyebrows furrowed, san takes a glance at the two males besides him, yunho and chanhee being too absorbed in their chat to notice anything. he shakes his head, before crouching down to pick up the peculiar note, unfolding it curiously.

you're a faggot choi san. a disgusting fucking fag. you're bold to think you deserve the spot on the cheer team when even the least experienced could easily do a better job. you should quit before you embarrass yourself.

"...san-ah? san?" yunho's concerned voice brings the younger back to reality. "what's that you have there?" the blue-haired continues, leaning forward to try to make out the writing.

san hastily fists the paper into a hand. "o-oh, it-it's nothing!" he lies, an unconvincing smile on his features.

"but, sannie—"

"i said it's nothing, yun. leave it," san states, much more brutal than he initially wanted. tears stinging at his eyes, the blond's instincts tell him that the salty liquid won't fail to succeed on making their way out, therefore he rushes to collect his things before turning his back on the two boys.

"we have class, san, where are you going?!" said-boy ignores chanhee's call for him and proceeds on his journey to the nearest bathroom.

you're a traitor for leaving your socially anxious brother like that, someone comments in san's mind, yet he ignores that, too. he ignores it all: the unusual looks he receives; the sound of his heart furiously pounding in his chest; his breathing that's beginning to become incoherent, and the book that's on the verge of slipping out of his grasp due to his trembling hands.

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