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"you're lying to me."

"oh god, you as well?" san groans dramatically, entering the school building with yunho by his side, as he keeps an eye out for wooyoung. "chanhee hyung took forever to believe me, too! you guys are so annoying."

still convinced that san scoring jung wooyoung as a boyfriend is utter bullshit, yunho rolls his eyes. "we aren't annoying, we just keep in touch with reality... unlike someone."

"wow... i never thought you'd betray your favourite whore like this. go fuck yourself, jeong yunho," san says, and everyone besides his best friend would guess that he's being serious.

"only if mingi is watching~" yunho sings, a sense of longing in the tone of his voice.

and he thinks i'm the one who's going insane.

"anyway," san starts, diverting the subject of their conversation being his number one priority. "you're still fake for thinking that i'm lying about wooyoung, you know?"

"i'd rather be fake than delusional." yunho shrugs.

"jokes on you, then, when you have to third wheel me and my boyfriend at lunch today," san states smugly.

the two boys have now reached the younger's locker, who swings open the small door of it, before searching for his science books. yunho is still glued to his side, rambling about an argument he got into with his older sister this morning, when a pair of arms snake around san's petite waist.

it takes the blond a second to recognise the shape of the body that's behind him, but as soon as he does, a content but slightly shy smile overlaps his lips. "hi, youngie!"

"hey, darling~" wooyoung responds, resting his chin onto san's shoulder, as yunho watches them with his jaw dropped — it turns out his best friend was telling the truth, after all. although the blue-haired feels a tiny bit bad deep inside, he grins at the cute interaction he's witnessing, so immensely happy for san.

and maybe yunho's a little too happy, because he can't seem to stop himself from leaping forward and throwing his arms around the boy.

"yunho?" san chuckles, startled.

"i'm so happy for you, sannie," yunho mumbles. "so happy that i could fucking kiss you or something."

now, san is laughing loudly in disbelief, whereas wooyoung presses his lips into a firm line, not understanding that yunho's words were merely a joke and nothing more.

"thank you, yun. i appreciate that you finally believe me. your offer, however... i pass." san can't contain his laughter, especially after yunho joins in after letting go of him.

wooyoung hums in approval at san's reply, lightly squeezing his boyfriend's sides. at the sudden ticklish feeling, san glances sideways, a layer of faint blush spreading across his face when he notices that wooyoung's eyes are already on him, watching him attentively.

"i can't take this!" yunho whines, clutching the spot directly above his heart as if he's gotten stabbed or something of the sort. "you guys are adorable, it's not fair! where's my person?!"

"mingi's only over there," san teases the other, gesturing towards where the brunette is stood, talking — maybe flirting would be more accurate — with renjun.

yunho's gaze follows san's hand, a dull expression settling onto his features at the sight. "what the fuck. why's renjun getting all touchy with him?" he mutters, in absolute remorse for the boy that he considers his competition. "i'll be back, guys." and with his head held high, yunho strides confidently over to the two boys, ready to meddle in whatever they have going on.

CHEERLEADER, woosanWhere stories live. Discover now