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throwing the door to his science class open, san pays no attention to all the eyes that are on him as he enters the room. his eyes dart around for yunho, and shortly lands on him by the very back of the room, where the two of them normally sit. but before san can even step an inch towards his best friend, the teacher at the front of the class snaps at him. "care to let me know why you're thirteen minutes late to class, choi?!"

ignoring the several snickers that echo around the room, san turns to mrs kim. "i, uh, have a late slip — if that would make you feel any better."

"oh!" the teacher's eyes widen in surprise, before taking the small note that san leans forward to hand her. head bouncing up and down as a nod, mrs kim murmurs the words that are written under her breath, "...had a chat with social worker... important issues regarding his current living situation... hope you understand.."

san can tell that majority of the students are unnecessarily listening, and he hates himself for being so bothered by it. it shouldn't matter, practically everyone knows about the fact that he's adopted, but for whatever reason he's itching to tape his teacher's mouth shut as a way to quieten her.

eyes lifting up from the paper in her hands, mrs kim nods in approval at san before ushering him to his desk. wasting no time, the boy squishes through the rows of desks to where yunho is patiently sat and waiting for him.

smiling slightly, san pulls out his chair that was tucked into the table, sitting down as he discards his backpack onto the floor. shoving the thought about jung wooyoung currently being right behind him to the back of his mind, san shifts sideways in his seat, met with yunho — a questioning expression plastered onto his face.


"spill the tea, babe," yunho simply says, san now mirroring his expression.

"there's tea to be spilt?"

"well, duh, about your social worker and all."

"oh, that tea." sighing, san rests his head onto his desk. "about that motherfucker," he adds in a mutter.

"it's bad, isn't it?" yunho asks, although he already knows the answer to that question.

san closes his eyes. "could i just... lie and act like everything's okay?"

"nope. not an option."

sitting upright in his seat, san weaves his fingers through his blond hair for a moment, lips curving upwards a little at the hand that places itself onto his back, rubbing small, comforting circles onto the clothed skin.

san exhales a deep breath to settle his nerves. "it's just- you know how my social worker is, like, super homophobic and likes making it known to everyone around him? he's becoming too much recently, a-and i've been thinking and... i don't know, i kind of want to report it but..."

"but what? i'd go for it straight away, so what's stopping you, hm, sannie?" yunho questions softly.

"well, if i did end up getting him fired... who'd be my social worker next? they'd have to look for someone who's willing to take me in as their client and that'd be difficult, don't you think? because of my mother and all? so—"

"san." yunho looks up for a second at the student who's been appointed to hand out the worksheets, and takes it from their hold, before continuing, "i don't understand why you're thinking too much into this. a social worker is meant to look into your past and do all they can to keep you safe — that's their job."

"i guess you're right," san agrees, beginning to skim through the information on the worksheet he'd just been given.

"i am right. so don't stress over it too much, okay?"

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