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tw: anxiety

hands shaky, san presses a finger onto the doorbell of wooyoung's grand house. it'll be okay, darling. i won't let anything go wrong; repeating his boyfriend's words from earlier today, san exhales a deep breath, yet it's no use, because his body instantly tenses up when he hears a rhythm of footsteps approaching from the other side of the door.

and before he can recompose himself, the entrance is being swung open, an unfamiliar face revealing themselves.

"hello! you're choi san, aren't you?!" the little kid at the door asks cheerily, a lopsided grin on his face as he stares up at the older's confused expression.

"uhm—" san clears his throat. "y-yes, that's me..."

the child's face brightens at the information, before pulling the door further open for san. "ooh, that's good, wooyoungie hyung is waiting for you~ but he's still getting ready, which is why he sent me to get you! i you can come in, now, by the way!"

while the young boy rambles on, san finds a comforting sense of similarity in his twinkling eyes, the realisation causing his own to eyes light up in excitement. "you- you're kyungmin, right?"

"you know who i am?!" kyungmin gasps, jumping up in his spot a few times.

san chuckles, amused. "of course i do! wooyoung-ah talks about you a lot, you know?"

"i think i like you already! but don't tell yeosang hyung that, he'll be mad!" kyungmin says, a slight giggle in his voice.

"got it! my mouth is zipped." san then steps forward, cautiously placing a hand on the kid's shoulder. "we should head inside now, hm? youngie's probably waiting for us."

kyungmin eagerly nods in agreement, before stepping inside, san deciding to mirror his movement. "youngie? is that your nickname for my brother, san-ssi?" he questions out of curiosity, as he leads the blond through his living room and up the stairs.

"yeah, it is..." san laughs nervously, lifting a hand up to hide his red cheeks from kyungmin, who luckily doesn't notice anything. to change the subject — and because he feels his anxiety rising rapidly at the lack of knowledge — san asks, "er, kyungmin? where are your parents?"

"oh, they went grocery shopping! but they'll be back soon, i think!"

unconsciously, san releases a relieved sigh, the news calming him down slightly. it isn't that he doesn't want to meet wooyoung's parents; if anything, that's the reason he's here in the first place. instead, it's the fear of being unaccepted, or even worse, wooyoung being unaccepted that's causing san to grow uneasy. that's the last thing he wants, and he can't imagine the amount of guilt he would feel if that becomes the case.

"we're here, san-ssi!" kyungmin's exclaim pulls the boy out of the monster that is his mind.

"wooyoung's room?" san makes sure, receiving a nod of the head from kyungmin in confirmation. lips naturally forming a smile at the thought of seeing his lover, san pulls on the door handle of the room, kyungmin trailing after him.


said-boy's eyes dart across the room to where the sweet voice came from, feeling all of his worries disappear at the sight of wooyoung. "hi, youngie," san greets shyly, hoping the blush appearing on his face isn't too prominent.

"hey..." wooyoung looks at san, at kyungmin, and then back at san with his lip caught in between his teeth, before hesitantly murmuring, "come here."

san's eyes widen, unsure as to if that's a good idea or not. "but- a-are you sure? because—"

"i know, darl- san," wooyoung corrects himself, internally cursing himself for being so mindless. "i understand why you might not agree with me, but there's no reason for you to worry. so please..."

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