special <3

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IM SO FUCKING SORRY FOR BEING A DAY LATE BUT happy one year to cheerleader :') i thank each and every one of u with my whole heart for the insane amount of love and support cheerleader has received over the past year. a stupid special chapter isn't anywhere close to enough to repay the joy i feel simply thinking about this journey, but unfortunately it's the most i can do. like always, i hope you enjoy. i love u forever.


"hyung! hyung! hyung!"

choi chanhee's eyes widen within san's phone screen, and he seethes. "san!" he whisper-shouts, his eyes sweltering in panic across his surroundings, before turning back to his brother. "what is wrong with y— i'm at work!"

"oh." san's mouth curves into a sheepish pout. he swings his legs forth, and then back again. "i just miss you. sorry."

chanhee sighs, this feeling of sorrow flashing past his features. "it's alright, little choi. remember our talk last night, though? i spoke with my manager — he said he'll think about it? whatever that means."

"good. but if he doesn't give you that week off, that's it, i'm talking to him myself." san huffs out an aggravated sigh, releasing the tension in his muscles and falling back onto his mattress.

stifling his amusement, chanhee chokes back a laugh. "uh huh. korea's representative cute boy attempting to threaten my bitchass manager into getting me off work? what a remarkable sight that'd be, i'm certain. hell, i'd be shocked if he even acknowledges your pink head!"

"hyung!" san whines, flaunting his arms about, annoyed.

"be real, little choi. if i can't persuade him, i'm afraid you shouldn't even be thinking about it."

a small hmph escaping his closed lips, san turns into his belly. "i'm telling sunwoo."

disastrously, chanhee doesn't seem able in saturating his emotions any longer. he erupts into hysterics, and san almost yells out of frustration at the mockery he's made of himself so early in the day. "you're planning to complain to that fucker? that's the best you've got? really?"

"but eric says he's scary when he's mad!" san argues, incredibly naive.

"yeah, eric," chanhee insultingly enunciates. "eric is scared of fucking chucky. plus, sunwoo would never get mad at me."

the confidence boasting in chanhee's voice is alas nothing but the truth — if san didn't have wooyoung, he wouldn't know how he'd survive their flawless chemistry, or if he even could, at that. in all honesty, he believes the stars fated sunwoo and chanhee to get together in the way they did. the thought brings a smile to san's lips, as he grudgingly responds, "fine. i suppose i'll admit to that."

chanhee grins smugly, though his expression softens out of curiosity in seconds. "speaking of, isn't wooyoung coming home today?"

"ah!" the mention of the person he misses most brings a bittersweet feeling to san's heart; the past few weeks without him have been utterly horrid, whilst the thought of seeing him in only a few hours from now sends sparks of ecstasy through every bone in his body. bubbling with excitement, san giggles. "soon! so soon, oh my— i can't wait! it's been so long."

"i know." there's this empathy in the tone of chanhee's voice, which san doesn't hear often. "you're both really brave, you know? for enduring everything the way you do. it— it's admirable. really, san."

albeit chanhee's words touching the depths of his soaring heart, san scoffs. the soft grin across the older boy's lips remind him of their childhood, some of the best days of his life, and the nostalgia flickers a light in san's eyes, only making him mirror the expression, however. "thought this side of you was buried where the sun doesn't shine, hyung. thanks, though."

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