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leaning on the headrest of his bed, san has his phone in his hand, tapping a rhythm onto the side of it with his fingers. whilst watching chanhee curl his hair by a mirror on the other side of their shared room, the blond patiently waits for wooyoung's arrival.

it has been two weeks since the two started dating, and things couldn't be better for them. just three days ago, wooyoung asked to meet the older's parents — well, adoptive parents — san agreeing to that idea without any doubt. after all of the awkward, nerve-racking introductions, wooyoung gained free access to san's home; plus, it seems like san's parents genuinely like him, which is an accomplishment to say the very least.

a few moments of san tediously staring at chanhee pass, and it's only now that curiosity bubbles up in him over what his brother could possibly be getting ready for. "hyung, where are you going?"

chanhee's cheeks burn a deep red. "o-oh, um—"

"ah, you're hanging out with changmin hyung," san mistakenly confirms to himself at simply just chanhee's flustered state, used to seeing the latter become a blushing mess at the mere mention of his best friend.

"uh, you're actually wrong... do you- you know kim sunwoo, right?"

confusion etched onto his features, san nods his head. "yeah, of course i do. but what does sunwoo have anything to do with minnie hyung?"

"well, you see, this has nothing to do with min..." chanhee says, squeezing his eyes shut before quickly blurting out, "sunwoo confessed to me and asked me out on a date so i told him that i don't think of him like that but he then asked me to think about it and... here we are." finishing with a long sigh, chanhee turns to san, only to be met with his blank face processing what he's just been told. "little choi?"

"oh! sorry, hyung, i just needed a second." san smiles apologetically. "but, sunwoo does know that you don't feel the same way as him, right?"

"of course, i wouldn't ever lead him on." chanhee spins back around, returning to doing his makeup.

"good. sunwoo's a great guy, he doesn't deserve to be played," san states, getting up from his bed and walking towards the window by it — only a few minutes need to pass for his patience to slip out of his grasp.

where are you, youngie?

"isn't your boy supposed to be here by now?" asks chanhee, spraying his wavy, pink locks, almost as if he can read the younger's mind.

san sighs, checking the time on his phone. "yep. ten minutes ago..."

"i'm sure wooyoung'll be here soon, little choi. i don't know him that well yet, but i can tell that he really likes you. so give him some time, yeah? he's probably just running la—" coincidentally interrupting chanhee is the sound of the doorbell being rung, then  enthusiastic chatter coming from downstairs.

a quiet yet excited gasp leaves san's lips, followed with a joyous string of giggles, before he jumps out of his seat. chanhee watches his brother as he expectantly heads over to their bedroom door, endearment twinkling in his eyes at the sight of san so happy.

before san can reach the door, though, three knocks are heard, before a sweet voice comes, "san, are you in there, darling?"

san just swings the door open as his answer, greeting wooyoung with a dimpled grin, one that the latter can't help but return. hands immediately finding their way to san's waist, wooyoung pulls him forward into a warm hug, bringing the blond's head to his chest.

CHEERLEADER, woosanWhere stories live. Discover now