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glued to chanhee's side, san darts his eyes around the building for his best friend as soon as he enters it. shoulders continuously come in contact with his own, barging into his arm, and all he can do is tighten his grip on chanhee's hand even more than he already has.

the clustered main room has countless of empty alcohol bottles and soda cans scattered on the ground, waiting for someone to humiliatingly trip over them — san doesn't fancy being a victim. he notices music playing from a speaker somewhere, but the deafening volume of the chatter and cheers are all it takes to muffle the tune.

out of the blue, san feels a gentle hand tapping on his arm. bringing his attention to chanhee, he follows the older's gaze, which quickly lands on a blue-haired boy standing at one corner of the room, a drink in his hand. san immediately beams, attempting to escape from chanhee's grasp, but he's being held back.

"i trust you enough to know you won't purposely do anything stupid. but if something happens, the first thing you're going to do is text me, yes?"

san nods his head. "i will, hyung. i promise."

"good. make sure to have fun tonight, little choi." chanhee smiles, before disappearing into the large crowd of teenagers, probably heading to whoever changmin has gone off too. as if he has no time to lose, san treks through the hurdles of sweaty bodies to where yunho is standing, who is still oblivious to his best friend's arrival.

"yunho-ah!" san calls out once he's close enough for the latter to hear him due to the overly loud noise around them.

snapping his head towards whoever had just shouted his name, yunho's blank expression instantly forms into a content grin at san approaching him. however, his mouth falls into an 'o' shape when he catches a glance at the younger's appearance.

"what the actual fuck, choi san! how dare you show me up like this?!"

san chuckles, shaking his head before looking yunho up and down. "you say that as if you aren't a fashion icon yourself."

"i'm being serious, whore. you look- damn my best friend is absolutely gorgeous!" yunho exclaims, gaining strange looks from surrounding people, much to san's dismay; yet, he decides against mentioning it.

"thank you, yun."

san takes a quick peek into the plastic cup that is in the latter's hand, face scrunching up at the strong stench of alcohol that fills his senses. the blond definitely isn't the biggest fan of alcohol, it reminds him too much of his father, unlocking memories that are meant to be stored away at the very back of his mind.

"shit, i'm sorry. i know how much you don't like drinking," yunho apologises, putting the cup to the side.

san leans forward to pick up the drink and forces it back into the other's hand, speaking before he can protest, "no, trust me, its fine. do whatever you want, you deserve to have fun tonight."

"well, mingi's busy with renjun somewhere so..." yunho shrugs his shoulders, sighing; "can't really do that."

"who says getting laid is the only way to have fun?"

yunho suddenly smirks, an idea coming to mind. "you think so? dance with me, then."

"what!? why would i ever- no!" san takes a step back in adamant refusal. "do i look like i want to embarrass myself?"

"but san~" yunho whines, lips jutted out into a pout he thinks to be irresistible, while his puppy eyes work their absolute hardest into persuading the younger to agree with his proposal.

CHEERLEADER, woosanWhere stories live. Discover now