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"you- you do?" wooyoung asks, shuffling backwards a bit to meet san's gaze, though he can't find it in him to let go of the latter's waist.

nodding his head almost immediately, san's smile doesn't disappear, and it's only now that wooyoung notices the pair of dimples that light up his features.

"i don't believe you," wooyoung claims, mouth agape as he attempts to let san's words sink in.

the blond rolls his eyes jokingly. "what? are you asking for me to repeat myself?"

"maybe~" wooyoung giggles, a hand reaching out for the back of san's head so he won't get hurt, before carefully pushing him to the ground and climbing on top of him.

san's breath hitches at the intimacy, but he instantly relaxes when all wooyoung does is bury his head into the crook of his neck. the younger's lips accidentally brush against his skin, and san feels his face warm up for the millionth time that day, opposing to wooyoung who doesn't even react.

"sannie..." wooyoung's muffled voice comes out of nowhere, and for a second the older thinks he's doing something wrong.

stop thinking like this, san.

"hm? what is it?"

wooyoung lifts his head up, a small smirk on his face. "you're really pretty, you know that?"

"shut up," san murmurs, blushing madly as soon as those words leave wooyoung's lips. bringing a hand up to cover his red cheeks, he turns away from the latter bashfully, unable to look directly at him.

"but i want to give my pretty boy all the compliments in the world. can i not do that after waiting for so long?" wooyoung heaves himself upwards, before using a thumb and index finger to tilt san's chin back in his direction, now completely face to face with the blond boy — just as he wanted.

san gasps at the sudden proximity of their faces, wondering what miracle he could've possibly performed in his past life for him to be in this position; just yesterday he was admiring wooyoung from afar like he normally does, but now they're so close to each other that their noses are touching.

this is all just a dream, isn't it? it has to be.

"san... can i—" wooyoung pauses hesitantly, evident nervousness etched onto his expression. "is it okay if i kiss you?"

"i..." san swallows, hard, feeling as if someone has just stolen his voice box from him. without his complete consent, his eyes flicker down to wooyoung's plump lips, and he has the overwhelming urge to brush his thumb over the mole that sits on the pink flesh.

"sannie-ah?" meeting wooyoung's gaze, the blond doesn't fail to notice the hopefulness in his dark, twinkling eyes.

but still, san doesn't know what to do, even after how much he's fantasied of kissing the younger boy.

"i don't—" san tears his gaze away from wooyoung, suddenly finding great interest in the cloudless sky above him. "i've never... done that before," he embarrassingly admits in a whisper.

silence takes over for a short moment, just humiliating san even more, yet — before he can make a run for it — wooyoung responds, "that's okay. trust me, that's more than okay, darling." at the sweet name, san's eyes dart back to the dark-haired, who smiles at him softly. "that's it, look at me. everything is okay. i could... help you through it if you're comfy with that?"

san blinks furiously. "really?"

"are you asking for me to repeat myself?" wooyoung teases, chuckling when the older scoffs, though he's not even mildly offended.

CHEERLEADER, woosanWhere stories live. Discover now