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several minutes pass of wooyoung holding san in his arms, the blond solely focusing on steadying his breathing, while wooyoung murmurs soothing words into his ear. "y-youngie?" san suddenly inquires, leaning back a bit to meet the younger's gaze. "i think- i think i'm okay now..."

wooyoung can't help himself from grinning. "mm, i'm glad, darling. so, so glad."

at the lack of distraught in wooyoung's eyes, a smile manages to find san's lips, as he hooks his arms around his boyfriend's neck and rests his head onto his shoulder. "thank you, youngie, f-for your help. it means a lot. i-i have a question for you, though... how did you know what to do just now?"

"well... um, i always knew that you suffered with anxiety, so after we got together, i did some research. mainly on anxiety attacks, just in case something like this happened. that's all, really, i just used my knowledge to help you out to the best i could... i wasn't completely sure if i was doing things right, though," wooyoung explains, chuckling sheepishly.

"wow, you..." san trails off in astonishment, and squeezes wooyoung lovingly. "you mean so much to me, you know? no one's ever cared to that extent before..."

"i'm happy i could be the first one to, then, sannie." wooyoung playfully sways their bodies side by side for a few seconds, before letting go of san — besides his hand, however.

san sighs. "we have to go back now, d-don't we?"

"we do. i'm sorry, darling, i know you probably don't want to, but—"

"it's fine, youngie, don't worry. i'll be alright, just..." san pauses, glancing at their intertwined fingers. "...don't let go?"

"never." wooyoung beams, leaning forward to plant a small kiss on the tip of san's nose, earning a content hum from the older. the two then escape the comfort of their own blissful world, and return to the dining room, three concerned faces instantly turning their way.

and much to everyone's surprise, kyungmin is the first to speak up, "san-ssi, are you... alright?"

what seems like genuine worry in kyungmin's voice takes san aback, yet he's quick to respond to the child's concern, "yeah, of course i'm alright, kyungmin-ah! why wouldn't i be?" san chuckles nervously, hoping his enthusiasm is believable enough for the three before him.

kyungmin visibly brightens up at the news. "okay, that's good! i'm glad you're not sad, san-ssi!"

"i don't want you worrying, then, because i'm not sad. not at all, okay?" san assures, and this time he feels great to be telling the truth.

kyungmin just nods his head, as san looks to his left to find wooyoung's enchanting eyes glued on him like he's in a daze, making the blond feel like the only person in the entire world. flustered, san looks away, before nearing the table where wooyoung's family is sat, satisfied when the latter immediately trails after him.

after taking their respective seats, san turns to wooyoung's mother, the thumb continuously brushing against his knuckle help lowering his nerves. "um, mrs jung? i-i just wanted to say that, er, i'm really, really sorry for not introducing myself earlier. like wooyoung said, i get really shy a-around new people, so, uhm... but it's great to be meeting you! it would be nice if we got along..."

eyes turning into crescents as she smiles, mrs jung sticks her hand out into san's direction, who immediately moves forward to shake it. "ah, there's no need for you to apologise! in fact, i used to be a little like you when i was about your age. and i'm sure we'll get along, you're a friend of my son, after all!"

"uhm, thank you for giving me a chance," san says softly, managing to keep his cool. has he really managed to get on his boyfriend's mother's good side already? god, he sure hopes so.

CHEERLEADER, woosanWhere stories live. Discover now