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upbeat music blaring around the loud atmosphere, san gently pushes through the crowds of drunk, sweaty bodies, in search for his best friend. after all, it is the night of yunho's wedding, so not celebrating the afterparty with the older just seems wrong to him.

despite it being almost three years ago, san remembers the day vividly — mingi and yunho sat him down after a long day out with the two, breaking the news that they were finally dating, officially. after what was probably close to a decade of witnessing the two play around with each other, swearing on their lives that there weren't any romantic feelings attached, san couldn't have been happier for the couple.

this close to ditching yunho to party with soojin instead, san jumps slightly at the finger tapping at his shoulder from behind. with a roll of his eyes, he turns around and, expecting to be met with yunho's apologetic expression, he starts, "where the fuck were—"

san stops himself sheepishly at the stranger before him. "o-oh, um... hey?"

"hi, san!" the male, a few strands of his jet-black hair falling in front of his eyes, greets. he waves his hand cheerily, beaming. "uhm, a friend of mine, his name is sunwoo, asked me to hand you your phone! it was blowing up and he said it was important and you should check, so... yeah."

the confusion written across san's features vanishes, as the black-haired boy holds a device out towards him. he takes it, grateful. "ah, thank you! can i, perhaps, get your name?"

"of course; i'm hyunjun!"

san smiles. "it's nice to meet you, then, hyunjun. i'll, er, see you around?"

the latter gasps in excitement, before eagerly nodding his head. "sure, i'd like that! by the way, i think you're a really great role model, so keep up the good work!"

after an accidental shove on his shoulder as hyunjun passes by, san proceeds to squeeze through the huge, yet crowded, room, realisation now hitting him. the status he has slips from his mind quite often, because at the end of the day, becoming an ulzzang was unintentional — on top of the fact that it isn't his main profession. going viral for being a pretty boy under jung wooyoung's following list certainly comes with disadvantages, but in situations like this, he is grateful.

face scrunching up at the strong stench of alcohol filling his lungs, san slides the doors to the venue open, stepping out into the slight breeze. since his high school days, he's grown to become neutral about the idea of drinking, but though it doesn't disgust him as much as it used to, he still vows to stay away from it due to the memories of his childhood it brings up.

pressing his back against the brick wall of the building, san switches on his phone, overwhelmingly curious, eyebrows furrowing at the endless number of notifications displayed on the screen.

he didn't not expect it, sunwoo would never lie to him; overtime, he's become one of the people san trusts most, in fact. however, merely thinking about what could've possibly happened for him to have so much attention on him causes his anxiety to gnaw at him, convincing him that he's surely done something wrong.

in the midst of whatever it is he's being constantly tagged in on twitter, san makes out two new texts coming in. one from his lover, and the other from his dear brother.

and since chanhee only ever texts him for matters he deems to be important, it isn't that difficult choosing between the two.

chanhee :D
i'm so sorry this has happened little choi
ft me if you need to talk yeah?

what's going on hyung?

chanhee :D
i'm guessing you haven't seen twitter? or any of those annoying ass articles?

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