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the shuffling that comes from besides san disturbs his slumber, causing his eyes to flutter open, despite still being tired. he's met with a plain, white wall, the foreign sense of warmth enveloping his body being at the very front of his mind, leading him to roll onto his back with a small smile baring his lips.

san turns his head to the side, only to be faced with the stunning side view belonging to his boyfriend, who is busy on his phone. that doesn't last long however, because the rustling of the bedsheets due to san's movement grabs his attention.

wooyoung's concentrated eyes soften immediately, even scrunching up slightly as the sides of his mouth curve upwards. "morning, darling."

"good morning, youngie~" san sighs in content when wooyoung's hand finds its way to his cheek.

"sleep well?" wooyoung asks considerately, admiring how the colour of san's skin beneath his fingers blossom into a rosy pink, before returning his eyes to the blond's.

"i did, actually! i don't get enough sleep usually because i get nightmares a lot, but you being here probably helped..."

wooyoung nods in understanding. "i'm glad, sannie-ah. maybe you should invite me to sleep over more often if that's the case."

acting as if he's in deep thought, san hums, "hmm... i'll think about it."

"that's it? you'll just think about it?" wooyoung scoffs, whilst all san does is chuckle cheekily, before leaning into his boyfriend's chest. "fine, i'm only letting you off because of your free hugs."

"i guess i'll be getting away with everything from now on, then," san says, voice muffled against the fabric of the younger's hoodie. wooyoung can't help but grin at the older's cuteness, whilst the thought of waking up everyday to his sassy remarks flashes through his mind — something he'll do anything to get used to.

wooyoung puts his phone away, bringing his full attention to san, whose index finger suddenly starts to trace random shapes onto his nape. the feeling causes wooyoung to squirm a bit, san giggling in amusement. "ticklish?"

"i bet you're more ticklish than me, though," wooyoung challenges, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

and before san can even think of a reply to this statement, wooyoung's fingers reach out to his waist, digging into the skin as light as physically possible. an adorable flow of giggles involuntary slip from san's throat, shortly becoming loud laughter, as wooyoung crawls on top of him and proceeds to tickle the life out of the latter.

"you-youngie, stop! s-stop!" san shouts out in between hysterics, beginning to punch wooyoung's shoulder in an attempt to get him off of him.

wooyoung obliges, not after poking san's sides playfully, however, for he thinks it's necessary. he then collapses onto the blond, heaving a deep sigh as if he'd just gone through a workout session or something extreme like that.

"you think we should get up now, or no, darling?" wooyoung picks his head up to look at san.

yet, he is pulled back down within a second, and he takes that opportunity to nestle into the crook of his boyfriend's neck. "no," san bluntly replies, holding onto the younger like he's afraid he'll run away from him. "cuddle time's not over just yet."

"you know i'd agree with you, but we have plans today," wooyoung softly attempts, getting up again, and the only difference this time is that san lets him.

CHEERLEADER, woosanWhere stories live. Discover now