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sprinting down the stairs with his brother following from behind, san combs his fingers through his hair as an attempt to get himself looking somewhat presentable for school. though the blond claims there's no one to impress, he has a crap reputation due to his sexuality and doesn't want to ruin that even more by coming in looking like a mess.

san practically leaps off of the stairs as he reaches the bottom, gaining chanhee's attention. "san-ah, how many times do i have to tell you? you could hurt yourself by doing that! you even have your first cheer practice next week if you've forgotten."

"i swear, you're worse than mom sometimes," san mutters, before walking to the mirror in the living room. he fixes his appearance once more, mouth quirking up slightly when he's pleased with how he looks.

"i'm only making sure you don't break a leg, you know? you'll get kicked off the team in seconds, and i'm aware of how much you don't want that," chanhee's voice comes as he enters the room that san's in.

watching the pink-haired shove some textbooks into his bag, san sighs. "i know, hyung. but i'm not stupid, i have enough control over myself."

"sure, you do. that's why i ordered a new mirror for our room yesterday, right?"

"hey! you said you let me off for that, you betrayer." san crosses his arms over his chest, lips naturally forming a cute, little pout.

"exactly, i said i let you off. what i didn't say was that i'll never bring it up again so i can prove a point, little choi." looking at san, a smile adds onto chanhee's expression at his clear, but adorable, frustration. he ruffles the younger's hair, before heading to the front door.

san instinctively follows him, the scorching heat hitting his skin as soon as he comes in contact with the outdoors. "hyung?" he inquires, squinting through the fierce sunlight. "can you hold this for a second?"

obliging, chanhee nods and takes san's purple backpack into his hold. the blond slips his blazer off of his frame; it's too hot to even try live through today's weather. smiling as he mumbles a quick thank you, san retrieves his bag before tying his dark blazer through one of its shoulder straps.

the pair are quick to make their way to school, since it's only a few minutes away from home. san feels as if he's going to collapse due to the heat that he so badly dislikes, but refrains from complaining about it because he doesn't want to be irritating.

"i'll see you later, san-ah!" chanhee says as they enter the school gates, before quickly running to changmin, who is leaning against the building's wall.

"see you!" san replies with a short wave. then he exhales a deep breath, eyes frantically darting around for any of his friends. being alone and surrounded by people who absolutely despise him doesn't always end safely, and though nothing that bad hasn't happened to san in a while, risks are too dangerous to be taken.

entering the immense school building, the blond avoids any sort of interaction with everyone that he isn't exactly on good terms with. shortly, he recognises mingi and yunho standing by a wall of lockers and starts to jog towards them, smiling in relief at the boys.

causing san's breath to hitch in fear, a hand touches then wraps itself around his wrist.

in less than a second, he spins around and attempts to back away. san doesn't know whether or not to panic, when he's met with the face of none other than sana minatozaki.

CHEERLEADER, woosanWhere stories live. Discover now