thirteen: congradulations

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┌────── ❀ ──────┐BIRDIE WRIGHT└────── ❀ ──────┘

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"Tyler," Birdie sobbed out when her best friend pick up the phone with a hello? "I can't be here anymore, my heart feels like Im dying. Am I dying, Tyler?!"

With each word Birdie became louder and her sobs got to the point it actually sounded like she was dying. Ever since she found the letter to Reed's ex, she felt like it was the end of the world. She hasn't slept because every-time she closed her eyes, she could only think about how she ruined yet another relationship. Maybe she just be alone forever, and collect cats as a hobby.

"Birdie, it's okay, you're just going through a heartbreak-"

"How's my heart broken?! I broke someone else's by sleeping with her ex!" She was in hysterics, curled up in her hotel bed, pillows stained with tears and mascara.

"Birdie, give me three hours and I'll be there to help you pack, okay? You're staying with me."

After leaving her hotel room earlier than she was expected too, Birdie dropped a message to Julianne stating she had left and could still reach her when needed. It's been a week since then and she was staying in Tyler's big home, from all the money from her soccer career and her Onlyfans, Tyler was probably the successful one of the trio. She's even offered Birdie to stay with her until she's on her feet, financially stable and all. It was a nice offer, Birdie gave it a hard and long thought before accepting the offer and in the meantime, she's been waiting to hear back from Julianne. And last night Julianne had texted her about a Video Chat with Reed today at 11PM.

So, Birdie had her laptop set up waiting for the call. Once the notification popped up, she accepted it, seeing Julianne smile and wave to her.

"How are you, Birdie?" she asked.

"I've been well, thank you."

Seconds later Reed joined. Honestly, she didn't know how'd she feel seeing Reed. She thought she had forgotten everything between them, but all her feelings toward him came rushing back in. Her romantic feelings towards him and the anger she felt toward herself.

He didn't look to thrilled to see her, his eyes looked distant on her laptop screen.

"Hi," he greeted.

"Welcome, Reed," Julianne said. "Thank you both for joining this call as I'll be telling you who I have chosen to take my place at Chicago Fox News. It was truly a hard decision, however, I needed someone that was ready and could do it with ease, and not get too emotional. Both of you did amazing, took everything I said in and used it to your advantage. So, I would like to keep this shirt and simple, Reed?"

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