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┌────── ❀ ──────┐BIRDIE WRIGHT└────── ❀ ──────┘

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Birdie couldn't be happier watching her best friend getting her makeup and hair done. Her dress was beautiful, big-almost too exaggerated-and white, it was the perfect wedding dress and it made Tyler look like she was swimming in a cloud of fabric.

The past few years have been rough but Birdie finally made it, she was the top social media sports person on the internet. Since writing about Tyler and Meeka a few years back, Birdie's blog has blown up. People loved how real she was, the way she wrote about the minutes before each game, how she caught the teams energy with each win. It was like the people were there with the teams. And suddenly she had emails from sport companies and news places asking if she could work for them as a sports journalist, getting first hand experience with the teams at their games. She hasn't decided yet where she wanted to be, but right now she was focused on watching her best friend become a married woman. Kingsley was here too, fixing her hair in the mirror silently in the corner.

Birdie still lives Tyler and Meeka, however in the next year or so, she hopes to have her own place with all the money coming in.

"You better make my wedding sound better than Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's or I swear to gawd, it's going to rain hell on you," Tyler said, her eyes still on her phone as she scrolled through Instagram.

"I'm sure Birdie will make it the most memorable column to exist," Kingsley spoke.

Tyler was the one to ask her to write about her wedding, not wanting the public or other reporters posting drama filled lies on the internet. She didn't want her big day to be ruined, so Tyler's have a very small, secret elopement. It was only Tyler's family, Meeka's, Birdie's and Kingsley's here to celebrate in her backyard. It was like a fantasy in her yard, everything you'd ever want at a wedding, a chocolate fountain, cake pops, an alcohol bar, music, white everywhere with gold accents.

"Don't get your hopes up, Harry and Meghan's wedding was groundbreaking," Birdie chuckled.

Tyler looked up from her phone and stared at her in the mirror. "Shut up."

The wedding went great, tears were on most faces, Tyler was doing drinks like no tomorrow, downing them like it was water. Meeka disappeared a couple minutes ago but soon Birdie caught sight of him, walking toward her. She was sitting at one of the tables drunk red wine, people watching.

"This came for you," Meeka said once he was standing in front of her. He handed her a sealed envelope before walking away to join his wife, shouting out for her to stop so he could catch up with her.

Birdie stared down at the envelope in her hands, her name and address written on it in familiar handwriting, although she couldn't recall who's it was. Opening it, she pulled out the folded notebook paper, unfolded it and stared at the writing. It was only half filled with words. But from the greeting to the recipient, she knew exactly who this letter was from. Her heart filled with joy and her stomach twisted and turned.

Dear, Tweedy Bird.

I've seen you have quite the social presence, you look happy from what I can tell. I wanted to reach out to you when I saw you on the sports channel, the hosts stating your career journey and such, because honestly, I missed you all these years.

I found your website... and got curious. I didn't know you had a blog? The stories you told made me feel like I was there with you. And honestly I wish I was.

I stumbled on the letter you wrote to me, and was saddened to find you thought I had an ex... I don't have an ex, Birdie, where'd you get that idea from?

Those last moments with you years ago, I constantly think about. What if things were different? What if you come to my sister's Funeral Anniversary? But that's all in the past.

Now is now, Birdie, can we forget how we ended? If you get this and want to meet sometime, I'll leave my number below.

Love, Reed x

This had to be fate. It just had to be. This was her chance to redo their friendship and develop it more. When she read about how he didn't have an ex, it crushed her, how could she assumed such a thing! It ruined what could've been.

She typed his number into her phone. It started ringing. When she was doubting how serious he truly was to meet up, he picked up. Her heart was pounding, palms clammy.


"Tweedy Bird, is that you?" He sounded relieved.

"I miss you so much."



Word Count: 800+

Wait, I finished it😭🤚🏽

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