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~One long on foot trip later~

Aimi walked up behind a Shishigumi member as he was yelling at Legoshi for trespassing, and before she knew it she pounced on the unsuspecting lion.

“What the hell!” he yelled, trying to shake Aimi off of him. The lion reached back and grabbed Aimi by her shirt and slammed her onto the bridge. “You got a fucking death wish?!” he growled, pointing a gun at Aimi’s face. Aimi stared at the barrel of the gun, breathing a little heavy from the struggle earlier. She felt something bubbling up inside of her, a familiar feeling she has had before. A strong feeling that continued to grow.

‘Why is this happening now?! I don’t want to kill him!’ Aimi thought, looking up at the lion, not seeming fazed by the gun pointed at her face.

“YoU kNoW yOu WaNt To. hE’s A tHrEaT tO yOu. He StOlE yOuR pReY!” Aimi heard a distorted voice whisper. The feeling seemed to grow stronger when she heard the voice.

‘No...’ Aimi thought, trying to fight off the feeling.

“YoU mUsT hAve FoRgOtTeN wHaT hApPeNeD lAsT tImE yOu TrIeD sToPpInG mE,” the voice hissed. “AtTaCk HiM!!!” Aimi’s eyes darkened and she saw red. She shoved the gun out of her face and scratched at the lion’s face, making him cover his face and stumble back.

“You fucking bitch!” he growled. Aimi growled at him, before jumping on the lion again, raising his arm in the air, making him fire his gun in the air.

“KiLl! KiLl! KiLl HiM!!!” the voice growled. Aimi began hitting him and clawing at him, before jumping off of the lion and kicking him over the bridge, into the waters below.

“Aimi?” Legoshi asked.

“Legosi don’t touch her!” Gohin warned. “She might see you as a threat!” Legoshi ignored Gohin and walked up to Aimi slowly.

“Aimi, it’s me. It’s Legoshi,” Legoshi said in a gentle tone. “Calm down, okay?”

“Lego...shi? What happened...?” Aimi asked quietly, looking up at him with her innocent blue eyes. “Where’d he go?” she asked, looking around.

“You kicked him over the bridge,” Gohin said.

“Did I...kill him?” Aimi asked quietly.

“Nope, he’s knocked out cold. Water might drown him though. Let’s get inside. Your little friend won’t have much time,” Gohin said, walking ahead of the two, being cautious of Aimi. Aimi nodded and followed Gohin with Legoshi. “Wait here,” Gohin climbed over the gate.

“What happened back there?” Legoshi asked Aimi.

“I don’t know. I just saw the gun and I blacked out,” Aimi said quietly.

“Her instincts kicked in,” Gohin said, opening the gate. “Come on, I cleared out the entrance, but it will be a chore inside.”

“We better make it quick,” Aimi said, before catching a whiff of Haru’s scent. ‘Haru...’ she thought.

‘ThEy HaVe YoUr PrEy! KiLl ThEm! KiLl ThEm AlL!’ the voice yelled, triggering Aimi’s instincts again. She kicked the door in and ran inside.

“Aimi wait!” Legoshi called, following her. Aimi fought a few members that ran at her, taking a few punches, which fueled her rage, making her attack style become more animalistic.

“You two go! I’ll take care of the rest!” Gohin called, wiping blood from his nose. Aimi made her way upstairs, Legoshi following behind. Aimi continued to run, her nose catching Haru’s scent. She ran into the main room and jumped on the chief lion, knocking him to the ground.

“Aimi?” Haru asked, never seeing Aimi act like this before.

“You little brat!” the chief lion yelled angrily, trying to shake Aimi off. Aimi growled angrily and scratched at his face, until he threw her to the ground. She yelped in pain, her head hitting the floor hard, leaving her in a daze.

“Aimi!” Haru yelled, seeing that Aimi wasn’t moving.

“You’re a weird looking hybrid. Can’t let good food go to waste though. Haven’t had human in a while,” he said, before grabbing Aimi’s leg, sinking his sharp claws into it. Aimi screamed loudly and looked down at her leg. Her leg was covered in blood, while his claws sunk into her flesh. “Such a sweet scent,” he said, before leaning in to bite Aimi. Aimi stared at the lion’s large open mouth and began thinking quietly to herself.

‘This must be how the herbivores feel. The fear...your heart beating out of your chest,’ Aimi stared at her possible demise. ‘The inability to run or even move. Time itself seems to slow down...Tem...is this how you felt...?’ She thought, getting ready to accept her fate, until Legoshi tackled the lion to the floor. Aimi screamed in pain, feeling the lion’s claws rip out of her leg.

“Aimi!” Haru hurried over to Aimi. “Your leg!” Haru kneeled down beside Aimi, before Legoshi threw his shirt at them.

“Close it up so that she doesn’t bleed out!” Legoshi said, fighting the chief lion. Aimi picked up the shirt and put it on Haru to cover her up.

“Aimi, you don’t have to do that,” Haru said, trying to take the shirt off of herself to cover Aimi’s leg, though Aimi kept the shirt on Haru.

“It’s okay, Haru. I’m okay,” Aimi said, looking at her leg, before looking away from it, feeling nauseous. ‘That’s a lot of blood...I think I’m missing skin,’ she thought.

~Time skip to after the big fight~

Legoshi stood over the unconscious gang boss, panting softly, blood dripping from his maw.

“Legoshi...” Aimi said tiredly. Legoshi looked over at Aimi and kneeled down beside her. He pulled off his tank top and wrapped it around Aimi’s injured leg.

“She wouldn’t let me tie it off with the shirt you threw,” Haru said.

“You can’t walk outside naked,” Aimi said, as Legoshi helped her up to her feet. She stood up on her feet and leaned against Legoshi.

“I guess you’re right,” Haru said, rising to her feet, Legoshi’s shirt draping below her knees.

“Yeah, let’s just get out of here,” Aimi said, Legoshi nodded in agreement.

“Can you walk or should I carry you?” Legoshi asked.

“I can walk,” Aimi said, as she began taking small steps. She walked slowly, holding onto Legoshi’s arm. Legoshi took careful steps, not wanting to hurt Aimi by rushing her, as Haru walked with them, looking around at the rest of the Shishigumi members, who were either dead or unconscious.

“Did you guys do this?” Haru asked, looking up at them.

“We had a little help,” Aimi said, Haru nodded a little.

‘They did all of that just to help me,’ Haru thought. ‘They didn’t have to, but they did,’ she thought, looking up at them, as they walked outside to the gate.

‘Where did he go?’ Aimi and Legoshi thought, not seeing Gohin. Once they reached a gate, a gunshot could be heard. They all looked at each other, before looking back.

“Was that a gunshot?” Haru asked.

“Time to go,” Aimi said quickly. Legoshi and Haru nodded in agreement and walked out of the gate, heading back into the city.

“It’s getting late. We need to find somewhere to stay the night,” Legoshi said.

“I might know a place,” Haru said.

Past Lovers (Louis x Human! Hybrid! OC x Legoshi)Where stories live. Discover now