Chapter 10

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Lillian laid in bed early the next morning staring at the ceiling but wasn't really looking at it. Her mind was far away from which played different scenarios for something. But she had no idea what the something was just yet. She had no idea how long she was in bed for as she sorted through those scenarios and tried to organize them and place them in a way that they flowed together so they weren't just random snippet of scenarios without a beginning and an end but pieces of a complete story.

This was how it all started, the story of her writing process to another book. She'd get a piece of a puzzle and wouldn't know where to put it until she got another piece and it went on and on like that until she found the perfect piece, one she couldn't put down because that one piece made the whole puzzle fall into place. She just had to find the perfect spot for that piece and the other pieces go where they belong with a few or a lot of spaces missing. But that gave her a structure, a foundation to go on with the puzzle and create the masterpiece.

Now, she was still getting those pieces and hadn't found the perfect piece that would let everything fall into place. As she got the last piece, she sat up from the bed and sighed, letting everything fall away as she drifted back to reality, her head spinning a little with disorganized information in her head. She glanced at the study table near the bed with her laptop and book ready with a pen. She didn't waste any time getting up and sitting behind the desk, pen in hand as she wrote into her book a summary of all the ideas she'd gotten separating them with a line and a paragraph to keep things tidy.

It was a while before she went to the bathroom to freshen up for the day then she headed downstairs, her mind still running and processing all the new ideas she'd woken up with as she tried to think of what to do with them with the 'special piece' still missing. She headed to the kitchen and made herself some tea and stepped out to the porch, tea in hand. She inhaled the cool morning air, shutting her eyes as the cool wind blew by. A smile on her face as she opened her eyes, she sipped on her tea, the heat from the cup warming her hands. The sun was setting and would soon warm up the whole place. She thought she would take a walk down to the shore as she wanted to not just see but experience it.

She was glad Deidre had suggested coming here. It was definitely much better than Greece. Yes, both were beautiful in their own way but this was what she needed. Peaceful, Serene, not over the top crowded with people.

Lillian got lost in the process and before she knew it, she had her laptop open as she got started on the synopsis, which she knew she would keep rewriting until she found that missing piece. But the thing with her was, the more she continued moving around the pieces she already had, she would find that piece. She didn't like to force it because she believed it wouldn't be original if she did, and she wanted something that resonated with her. Something that would come naturally and would be original, yes it would have a few cliché moments but the rest would be all her.

Sometimes, it took sitting in front of her laptop and writing random things relating to the book before the words and pictures could form in her head clearly and other times, it took going on a break from anything relating to the book to find it. She just had to know when to do what and right now she knew she needed to be sitting in front of her laptop because she'd been away from it for so long and she still had nothing.

Lillian's fingers paused as she looked out the window and got lost in the serenity. Her mind drifted and she let it and there it was as her heart skipped a beat.




Lillian snapped herself from her reverie.
"Really Lily?" She asked herself. "Can't you think of someone else for this role?"

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