Chapter 26

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Lillian got back to the cabin later that evening and wrote till her hands froze in the typing position. She'd written a lot, most of which she knew she'd have to edit out later on, but she'd written and she couldn't figure out why she felt the way she did.

Actually, she knew why she felt the way she did but she didn't understand it. The question she'd been asking herself was when did she start having feelings for Jax.

Lillian sighed into the cool night air that seeped into her room from the window that was cracked open. She stared at her laptop, the blinking cursor making the thoughts in her head spiral out of control.

She should have known it wasn't going to be as easy as she said writing a love story. A love story she was currently thinking of making a plot twist where the male lead does not end up with the female lead. Her readers wouldn't see that coming like she hadn't.

Oh, what was she doing?
Lillian sighed once again.

She saved the drafted next chapter and shut her laptop down before getting up from the desk and walking to the edge of her bed. She felt the pain in her back and the stiffness in her neck which she hadn't felt since she arrived in Burlington. She needed to get back on her yoga mat tomorrow.

Lillian was all ready for bed, so she got beneath her blanket and reached for her bible on the bedside table like she did every night. She closed her eyes and prayed for God to speak to her and then she opened the bible and opened her eyes. She looked down and her gaze hit Philippians chapter four verse six to seven and it said; Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Lillian smiled as she closed her Bible and placed it back on the bedside table. She clasped her hands and closed her eyes again praying to God, first adoring him, thanking him for who he is and then confessing everything in her heart, then thanking him for everything he's done for you for even though she deserves nothing, he gave her everything and finally, supplication; she asked him to remove any anxiety she might have and give her the vision to see what he has in store for her so she can be able to avoid what isn't meant for her.

She went to bed that night with a light heart and a still mind because she gave all her worry to God and he gave her peace in return.

The next day, after her shift, Lillian stayed back to help with the Fall Fest planning. She'd woken up early that morning feeling happy like God had restored light into the darkened parts of her mind that had taken hold the day before. She'd gotten in a few minutes of yoga before she went back to her laptop with a clear mind and edited what she'd written the night before. She'd seen Jax at lunch and had been her normal self with him because even though the woman he'd talked to the day before still bothered her, she chose to put everything in God's hands.

She sat with other Burlington residents including Mindy, Emily, Hank, Parker and Tucker, the repairman who got back into town early that morning. Jax had been there at the start of the meeting but had to leave when he got a call.

"The stage?" Someone asked,

"That's taken care of," Mindy said as they went down their yearly list of contributions for decorations and stalls. "At least Tucker does that every year, right?"

"Right." Tucker said, "Not going to change that this year."

"That's good to hear," Mindy said.

"For the decorations, Mr and Mrs Barry have decided to have everyone over at their place."

"Mrs Barry got the best lemonade in town, I think I'll join the decoration committee this year," Parker said

Everyone laughed.

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