Chapter 24

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Lillian filled the muffin trays with the batter, she was glad she had gotten that extra tray so she didn't have to go through the trouble of baking the first batch and then refilling the same tray with the second batch and then repeat. Two trays were better than one.

She filled up the second tray after which she knew she had batter to go another round. She checked the oven to see if it had preheated nicely before putting the tray in. She frowned when she opened the oven and cool air gushed out. She checked the gas switch for the oven and turned it off just in case she was just wasting gas.

What was wrong?
She wondered.

She tried turning on the burner and it worked just fine. So, she tried the oven again and it didn't even ignite this time. She huffed as she shut the oven and stepped back. She'd used the oven not too long ago, what could be wrong now.

She checked the time and saw she was still a few hours before lunch rush hour, so she dialled Mindy's cell.

"Lillian." Mindy answered on the first ring.

"Mindy, I have a favour to ask."


"Could I use your oven?"

"Of course. Hank just baked the last of the buns."

"Great. I'll be over in a second." Lillian grinned before she hung up the phone.

She took off her apron and loaded the trays and the rest of the batter into the back of her car and then drove off to Mindy's.

Walking into Mindy's with two of the trays, Mindy rushed to help her with the door.

"Thank you." Lillian smiled. "And thank you for letting me use your oven."

"Of course, it's the least I could do after everything you've done for us."

Lillian smiled and made her way to the kitchen with Mindy on her tail.

"Hey, Hank." Lillian greeted as she walked into the kitchen.

"Hey there, I left the oven on low when Mindy told me. Wasn't sure what degree to preheat it."

"Oh, thanks." Lillian placed the trays on the large kitchen counter and checked the oven. "That's just perfect."

Lillian put the trays into the oven and set the timer before she went to get the rest of the batter from her car.

"Oh, the smell." Mindy walked into the kitchen an hour later. "It's heavenly."

"Tastes heavenly too." Hank said as he devoured a muffin.

Lillian had taken out the first batch before she put in the second batch.

"Oh wow, that looks delicious." Mindy said.

"Here, have one." Lillian placed one on a plate and gave it to Mindy.

Mindy took it from here and bit into the muffin. Hank's phone rang and he excused himself to take the call.
"Oh my, that's absolutely delicious." Mindy said

Lillian smiled as she watched them eat the muffin in pure satisfaction.
"I'm glad you like it."

"Family recipe?"

Lillian smile died as she glanced at her fingers and shook her head.
"No. Just lots of trial and error."

Mindy nodded not saying anything else even though she noticed the change in Lillian's mood.

Lillian didn't know why she had the urge to share more, but she did.
"When I was let out of the orphanage, I had to find any kind of job to start my life and most of what I did was wash dishes in a kitchen or catering service." Lillian started. "That lasted for almost a year before I was allowed to wait tables in small cafes." She smiled thinking about it, "I got a stable job at a really nice restaurant and the cook there was, well, not so friendly. But when he baked, it was the only time I got to see him happy and I associated the smell with his mood. I'd watch him while he baked sometimes and he ended up being the first real friend I ever made after being on my own."

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