Chapter 34

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Lillian sat with Otto next to her at Jax's porch. The clean and cool night ocean breeze blew towards her and all she could do was close her eyes and run the plot of her story in her head.

She's written so well the first week she and Jax had gotten together. It had been a magical week. She had sat down in front of her laptop and the words kept pouring out of her with so much feeling and passion that she couldn't get up. But after completing a few chapters about her two lead characters falling in love and sharing their first kiss, she didn't know where to go from there. Do they live happily ever after, or do they get unlucky like other couples and end up falling out of love with each other?

She wasn't sure how she wanted it to end and if she wanted even wanted it to end badly. She wouldn't have minded writing a sad ending before Jax but now, she couldn't imagine her characters losing each other much less her and Jax.

Otto whined beside her and she reached for him and ran her hand over its warm hairy body.

It wasn't very long after that Jax stepped outside into the porch to find her sitting with Otto on her lap as she ran her hand through his body.
"Dinner's ready."

Lillian looked at him and smiled as Otto lifted his head and just looked at him.

"C'mon buddy, yours too."

Otto hopped off Lillian and jogged back inside the house as Lillian got up and made her inside as well.

"I'll freshen up and be right back."

Jax nodded and off she went as he set a plate for them. He even took out some candles and dimmed the lights and then put on some music before she got back and stopped once she entered the kitchen.

Jax smiled at her,

Lillian felt her cheek start to burn as she made her way towards the seat at the kitchen island Jax held out for her. She got seated and then so did he.

"Thanks." She said, "It looks and smells delicious."

"Then let's not waste any time." Jax said, "Dig in."

And they both did.

"And there I was wishing you'd let me cook a while ago," Lillian said as she sipped on her wine. "I'm glad you didn't let me. This was amazing."

Jax smiled as he looked at her, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her.
"I'm glad you liked it."

"Next time, I'm cooking."

"Of course. Can't wait."

"But for now..." Lillian got up and picked up both their dishes, "I'm doing the dishes."

Lillian smiled before she walked to the sink and got right on it. Jax's gaze was burning holes in her back and it was making her uncomfortable. More squirmy and shy than uncomfortable, it made her heart race.

She turned her head and caught his gaze,
"Stop it."

Jax smiled and so did she before she returned her focus back to the dishes. She wiped her hands after and Jax refilled their glasses and they walked into the living area and sat next to each other. Lillian cuddled up beside him and Jax's arm flung behind her across the sofa as they both sipped on their wine.

Lillian looked at Jax and noticed he'd turned serious as he stared into space, lost in his head.

Jax snapped out of it and looked at her.

"Are you ok?"

Jax smiled and nodded,
"I will be...once I get this out there."

Lillian frowned and then placed her drink on the coffee table and Jax placed his on the side table next to him. Lillian stayed quiet and just kept her gaze on him as Jax figured out a way to go about telling her. He'd spent most of his time cooking thinking about this moment and how he was going to bring it up and tell her.

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