Chapter 46

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Lillian left Mindy's late that evening after having dinner with Mindy, Emily, Davis, Parker and Hank. It was a fun evening and she was glad she was heading back with her dog, lady. She was still debating the name, lady, but she couldn't think of anything more befitting.

She rummaged her bag for the key to the cabin which was an extra she hadn't returned back to Deidre because she'd had a lot going on to think about it. But she was glad she still had it, or she would have had nowhere to spend the night after letting Emily convince her to spend the night in Burlington before heading back the next day.

Lillian carried Lady into the cabin and placed her down while she shut the door and headed towards the kitchen.
"C'mon, Lady."

Lady sniffed the floor as she headed towards the kitchen where Lillian fixed her food. Lady didn't need an invitation before she went right for it.

"We have a lot to teach you but I'll let you get away with it for a while."

Lillian smiled and sat at the kitchen island while she kept her eyes on Lady. When Lady was done, Lillian made her way up the stairs making sure Lady was following her. Lillian put together a makeshift bed for her for the night then went to wash up for the night.

She was exiting the bathroom patting her hair dry when she heard a knock on the door. Her brows furrowed as she wondered who that could be. Heading downstairs with Lady on her heel she went to see who it was.

When Lillian opened the door, she was surprised her heart didn't physically jump out of her chest because she felt like it did jump out of her body leaving her breathless for a moment too long.


Lillian inhaled slowly and deeply, her chest rising and tightening at the same time as she stared at him, shocked to her bones.

He isn't supposed to be in town.
She thought.

Jax stood outside the cabin looking at Lillian unable to take his eyes off her. She hadn't said anything since she opened the door and his heart was slowly falling to his stomach.

"Wh-" Lillian tried to get but it was harder than she thought it would be with all the last memories flooding her mind. "What are you doing here?"

Lillian snatched her gaze from him and tried to focus anywhere else except him. That hurt Jax more than anything he'd ever experienced. That she didn't even want to look at him when in actuality Lillian couldn't look at him because she was ashamed and embarrassed. Ashamed because her secret had ruined things between them and embarrassed because of how things had ended between them.

"I had to see you." Jax said, "I wanted to."

"No, I mean here in Burlington." She clarified. "They said you were out of town for a couple of days."

And she felt at ease with that information.
Jax thought.

"You wouldn't have stayed if I had been around, would you?" Jax asked,

Lillian sighed inaudibly.

"Can I come in?" Jax asked, "It's freezing out here."

Lillian looked up then at the weather outside.
"Come in."

Lillian let him in and Otto followed behind him stopping in front of her and then sitting looking up at her and she could swear when he whimpered, she heard him beg her to forgive his master. Lillian shut the door and then rubbed Otto on its head. Then Lady barked stealing Otto's attention who was up and next to Lady in a matter of seconds.

Lillian was nervous as she hoped Otto would steal the moment and she wouldn't have to have any sort of conversation with Jax but alas there she was standing a few feet away from him, his eyes fixed on her as she shifted her gaze from the dogs to him.

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