Chapter 1

640 17 31

-Unfamiliar Presence-






"ATHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!"

"hA hUh?!" Athanasia wakes up surprised at Jennette's sudden call.

"QUICK ATHY SIT PROPERLY BEFORE THE TEACHER c-comes..." Jennette tried to save me but...

"HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU, ATHANASIA DE ALGER OBELIA. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SLEEP IN CLASS! Now I won't entirely be mad at you since this is LITERALLY THE FIRST DAY IN CLASS, but I do hope not to see you do this attitude again, you got me?" the teacher scolded me. I wasn't even listening to what she was saying because I just woke up from a good nap. My head feels dizzy it hurts so much but I just shook it off. In the end I just replied to the teacher anyway with a nod in my head. "Now Miss Obelia open page 30 and read the first text"

~Timeskips  (Home time!)~

"Good thing the teacher only gave you a warning" Jennette said while stretching her arms.

We are now walking down the hallway to bring the papers to the principal office. 'Yes, this is my punishment for sleeping in class and I thought the teacher said it was just a warning! At least Jenny is accompanying me to the principal's office, she's such a sweetheart!'

Jennette de Alger Obelia or as I like to call her Jenny! Jenny is my beloved cousin! We love doing things together. We stayed by each other sides. We respect each other opinions. Our father is the owner of a large corporation which makes us pretty famous and rich. Students kept on surrounding us while we tried to avoid them.

As we reached our destination we thought there would be no one in the office since the principal is always busy and leaves his office. But there is someone... not one, but TWO! There is the principal in his office with a very unfamiliar presence and aura. I can't really see his face. Perhaps he is new here.

While I was lost in my thoughts, Jennette suddenly shook me hard. YES, HARD. She shook me very hard to the point I actually fell. Luckily someone caught me...














Jennette helped me stand up and apologize. On the other hand, the principal and the new student were staring at us in disbelieve. The papers are scattered everywhere. We both bowed our heads 90 degrees.

"I am so sorry! I'll clean it up!" Athy said with a worried tone.

"I am so sorry Athy, I'll help." Jennette said with a guilty tone.

As we were cleaning and arranging the papers, I notice some small glance from the new student. Somehow he only took glances to ME. Yes, not Jennette weird. I just shook off the feeling and continued.

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