Chapter 3.

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It was early the next morning, just before breakfast, when Dumbledore received his reply from Ada. He suspected Fawkes had got back shortly after he went to bed last night. The letter was short and really only consisted of a time and a day. Ada had obviously wanted to move things along as soon as possible, because as it happens, she has arranged the meeting for that very day at noon.

Albus left his office and made his way to the great hall, he would inform his staff during breakfast that he needed them in his office before their first classes of the day. As he was walking he was thinking about who he needed to bring. Cackle's wouldn't be big enough to house all of his staff and students and he was almost certain there would be a few parental objections. He thought to himself that he probably should make it so the students could opt-in or opt-out. He was already pretty sure he knew which students would be amenable and which wouldn't. He already knew that he'd be taking all four heads of houses and Remus. Harry must continue with his DADA lessons. Yes, Harry would definitely be joining him. He needed to keep an eye on the boy and his relatives wouldn't care where he was, as long as they didn't have to deal with him. He'd tell Minerva that he had gotten their consent and she'd be far too busy to check. He chuckled at his own plan. Sometimes he could be so Slytherin, that even Severus would be impressed.

After breakfast, Albus headed straight to his office and took a seat in the chair behind his desk. It was about five minutes later when he heard his office door swing open and in walked Severus, followed by Minerva, Pomona, Filius, Remus and Madame Hooch. They shuffled into his office one by one and took up their usual spots in various places of his private domain. Approximately three minutes later, Binns, Trelawney and Hagrid arrived.

Abus, now confident that everyone was here started the meeting. 'I'm happy to inform you all that I received a reply from Minerva's cousin, Ada. She has very kindly agreed to open up her school and offer us sanctuary.' He heard a whispered, 'I knew she would cave,' from Minerva. He smirked before carrying on. 'There is to be a meeting at noon today at Cackle's to sort out the arrangements. Minnie, Sevvy, you will accompany me!' At this revelation Snape cut in with a sharp, 'I did not agree to this Albus.' Albus ignored his interruption and continued. 'Oh, and you Pommy. Ada mentioned that you need to be there or she'll be in trouble with her Deputy Head.' Pomona, who was almost always agreeable, smiled and answered, 'of course Albus, it would be my pleasure.'

Filius, who had been sitting quietly listening to Albus, decided to speak up. 'How come my house always gets left out of everything Albus? Are you seriously going to take three of your heads of houses and leave me here?'

Albus, who would not, under any circumstances, be accused of favouritism, turned sharply to Filius and opened his mouth to tell him that Albus Dumbledore did not forget people.

'Fili, my boy, that is simply not true! I love Raspinpaw.' At this, Filius turned to Remus who was sat on his left and gave him a look as if to say, 'do you see what I mean,' to which Remus nodded while Albus carried on talking.

'It was only the other day that I was talking to one of your second years, erm, Luna Feelgood, about Crumple-Horned Snorkacks. Very peculiar girl that one, Fili.' Minerva had jumped in at that point and she glared pointedly at Dumbledore until he understood what she was trying to say.

'Okay, fine,' he whined. 'Fili, you may come with us to the meeting. Remy, you're in charge of the school. You can all leave now, apart from Sevvy. I need a word with you in private.'

Snape nodded and continued to stand until everyone had left Albus's office. Once he was sure they were alone, he spoke up. 'You wanted to speak to me, Albus?' He asked curiously. He didn't know why he wanted to speak to him privately without the rest of the staff.

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