Chapter 18

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All the teachers were sat in the staff room after a long day when Ada broke the silence.

'So, Albus. Hogwarts will no doubt be up and running again soon. Are you looking forward to going back?'

'Not in particularly,' said Albus, averting his eyes. 'If I'm totally honest, I've quite enjoyed having some peace from Peeping Tom. I'm not looking forward to having to deal with his obsession with a 14 year old boy again. You know, I think he may be a bit of a pedo. He should probably get some help with that!'

'Albus Dumbledore. I'll have no mention of that disgusting word in front of me, thank you.'

'Minnie, I hardly think it's offensive to anyone if I call him Peeping Tom. It's a rather apt description, if I do say so myself. In fact, ten points to Dumbledore for originality.'

'You know very well that's not what I was referring to, Albus. I was talking about "pedo."' Whispered Minerva on the last word.

'Oh, my dear Minnie,' Dumbledore clutched at his heart. 'Please don't use such terrible words in front of me, my poor heart can't cope!'

'I just can't deal with him when he's like this,' Minerva muttered. 'Severus, please talk to him.'

Just as Severus was about to speak, Hermione Granger and Mildred Hubble ran into the room without knocking. 'Professor Dumbledore, we need to talk to you immediately,' gasped Hermione, while Mildred stood clutching her side, out of breath.

'What ever are you two thinking, just storming your way into the staff room like you own the place. And both Gryffindors too. I'm extremely ashamed,' said Minerva.

Hermione blanched, as Mildred looked at the floor. 'Come now, Minnie. I'm sure that if we give the girls a chance to explain, then we will probably find out the meaning behind it. Right, Hermy Grinder?'

'That's not my name.'

'Are you really going to choose this moment to argue about that?' Smirked Albus.

'Fair point,' she conceded. 'Anyways, me and Mildred have been looking up the spell that our ancestor Barbara Merlin-Moon created. We think it might work on Voldemort!' She said as she handed the spell book over to him with the correct page marked.

Severus sneered as Albus carefully accepted the book. 'I hardly think that the likes of the Dark Lord, would end up being defeated because of information provided by mere third-years. Stop wasting our time!'

'Hey! Don't talk to my daughter that way! Or my niece. If they think it will help, then we have the responsibility to hear them out,' said Julie angrily.

'Hecate, surely you don't agree with this. Talk some sense into your girlfriend, will you,' huffed Snape.

'Actually, Severus. I happen to agree with my girlfriend. And I would also like to point out, that she is fully capable of making her own decisions, thank you. So even if I thought that she was wrong, I'd still refuse to dictate the opinions she can have.' She shot him a venomous look, as she turned to watch Albus. Julie grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

'Hold on a second,' said Albus raising his hand to stop the chatter. 'Where did you find this, Miss Grinder?'

Hermione decided there was no point in correcting him again and answered, 'In the library. Me and Mildred were looking for the spell that Barbara created that won her the award. When we looked, we saw it and realised what the spell does. It unites all parts of someone's soul, their nearest living relatives too and calls them to you.'

'But Tom Riddle doesn't have any family,' he said thoughtfully.

'That may be true, but if it is then it won't actually matter. It will just call Voldemort and all his missing soul pieces. And on the off chance that he does have some secret relative hidden away, then they will come too. Either way, it does exactly what we need it to.'

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