Chapter 7.

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Friday night had slowly creeped up on Cackle's and Mildred was waiting in line at the mirror room. She was looking forward to speaking to her Mum and finally being able to tell her all about everything that had happened that week. She'd probably leave out the two detentions she had received, though. She didn't want to get into any more trouble.

To be quite honest though, Mildred, Harry and Draco's second detention had went quite smoothly considering the way they seemed to clash. Although, Mildred had noticed that both boys would stare at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking and then blush like mad when they were caught, which ended up with their staring turning in to full on glares. She had noticed that, ever since the disaster in the hallway, their bickering had turned more towards flirting and was almost completely sure that neither of the boys had noticed. Nobody in their friendship group wanted to point it out due to the fall out that would no doubt occur if they did and Mildred really couldn't afford to get another detention when it all blew-up.

She was brought out of her musings by Felicity telling her that the mirror room was finally free. She went inside and took her seat, waiting patiently for her Mum's face to appear in the glass.

It wasn't long before Julie Hubble appeared in front of her wearing a gigantic grin on her face. 'Hello, Millie, love. How's your week been?'

'Oh Mum, so much has happened, I've got loads to tell you. Cackle's has temporarily merged with another magical school called Hogwarts, so we've got an extra thirty people staying at the castle. It isn't really Cackle's anymore to be honest, it's Hogwarts, because Dumbledore turned it into an exact replica of his school and called it Hackles, which nearly made HB cry. And we got sorted in to houses, I got Gryffindor and Harry, he's my new friend by the way, can speak to snakes. We only found out because Draco, who is basically a male version of Ethel, tried to hex Harry and I tried to stopped him, but I got turned into a snake. It was really cool, and Draco ended up with a frog's head and then HB and Snape were furious with us. They ended up calling Dumbledore to the classroom and he called everyone peasants, and at first, he didn't want to turn Draco back but Snape threatened to tell on him to McGonagall, so he did and then we got another detention for it,' rambled Mildred, barely stopping to take a breath.

'Damn! I wasn't supposed to tell you about that bit,' she muttered sheepishly.

'Okay, Millie, love, I didn't really understand any of that. Try again, but perhaps more slowly this time,' Julie laughed.

'Sorry, Mum,' she grinned.

Mildred began to tell Julie the whole story again, albeit at a lot slower pace than before.


Julie hubble was sat on the sofa in her comfortable two bedroom flat. She had just come off the mirror to Mildred, who had finally managed to tell her all about what had been going on at Cackle's, or Hackles as Millie said it was called now. It sounded like the whole school had been turned upside down and she wondered if Pippa had known about it. She and Pippa had become quite good friends after Pippa had offered Mildred a scholarship to Pentangle's, which Mildred had ended up refusing because she didn't want to leave her friends.

Julie looked at the clock and noticed it wasn't actually too late, she could probably catch Pippa on her mirror if she called now. She moved to sit in front of the mirror and said, 'Pippa Pentangle of Pentangle's Academy.' She waited for Pippa's face to appear and about a minute later, it did just that.

'Julie,' Pippa smiled. 'It's so nice to see you! Is everything OK? Is Millie alright?' A worried look was starting to creep onto her face.

'Hey, Pippa. It's nice to see you too. Mildred's fine, I've just come off the mirror to her actually. I was wondering if you'd heard anything about the merge?' Questioned Julie.

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